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Chet Steadman

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Everything posted by Chet Steadman

  1. Halloween SNL. Can we haz a new David Pumpkins sketch please?
  2. What.theF.is happening. in that Dolly Parton clip at 0:40?
  3. Baylor has the worst OL in the FBS and has had nearly three weeks on no practice. Texas gonna slaughter them.
  4. I’ve voted for a democrat, at most, five times in my entire life. Yesterday I voted D from top-to-bottom. And I couldn’t have been happier doing so.
  5. You gotta give it to the experts. Back in April/May they were talking about a near certain spike come September/October.
  6. Interesting tactic to attack one of the most trusted news sources of all-time and perhaps it’s most likable and even-handed current journalist. I’m sure that will go well for Donald.
  7. Kinda off-topic yet not really, but the light synchronization in the city right now is off-the-charts bad. I realize a lot of this likely has to do with Covid and some of it is confirmation bias, but it seems like every major east west artery right now is completely borked. For the past three weekday mornings in a row, I’ve hit all nine red lights traveling westbound on 38th/35th Street. Not most of the lights. All.nine.lights. Three days in a row. What should be moderate traffic is near gridlock as the cars just compound upon themselves at every stop. I jumped over to 45th this morning and it was nearly as bad. I’ve noticed something similar on both 5th Street and up on Braker again recently too. Wasn’t part of the recent bond dedicated towards light synchronization? For a town with limited thoroughfares as it is, shouldn’t this be a relatively easy -and extremely beneficial- fix?
  8. Jim Spencer mentioned a few weeks ago when he first started in Austin we averaged 30 days year at at 100° or greater. The average this past decade has been more than double that number.
  9. Have fun not getting NFL Redzone either. ATT botched that whole thing for everyone too.
  10. Thursday Night football on a Monday. At 4pm. Both teams are 4-1.
  11. Watch how quickly he pulls away starting at their 25-30 yard line. That’s insane.
  12. That offense of theirs needs about a month of practice before it’s anything resembling average. It was horr-i-bad against West Virginia.
  13. Well this is a horrifying story.
  14. This right here. Just switched.
  15. The tv was on when we walked in the door and my quick take was Trump was steamrolling all over the mod. Tens mins later, got the child out of the bathtub and the mod was casually allowing Trump to flip the script about Biden and Antifa. Good work NBC.
  16. A twenty percent reduction in traffic is massive. That would be the equivalent to the number of cars driving on Mopac in 2002. You know, when rush-hour congestion meant it took 20 minutes to get from West 6th to the Arboretum. And that was without the added benefit of the two additional lanes we have now.
  17. I don’t remember seeing chances of a haboob on today’s forecast. Visibility is about two miles right now in Austin.
  18. Is this the time of year where we pretend all the $9.95ers aren’t 100% full of shit and they’ve really been plugged-in to the inner-workings of the athletic department all along?
  19. BIG TIME cold front coming in tomorrow to drop our temps to 7-8 degrees above normal. Awesome.
  20. Holy crap, I forgot about that movie. The trailer dropped last year and I remember thinking it had serious potential.
  21. Pete has become a great political attack dog for the Biden administration.
  22. Some of those well-positioned, core theaters have the potential to provide a lot of upside to landlords and tenants in the form of multifamily redevelopment opportunities. Like, A LOT. Most however, are going to be an albatross for the foreseeable future.
  23. Thank you, Behold. Thank you, Behold. Beh-, Beh- BEHOLD, thank you!
  24. lol you gotta just love the Trump campaign’s strategy against Biden these past ten months. They spent every waking breath telling its voters Biden is too riddled with dementia to run for president and that there’s no way he’ll make it to the debates, only to get blasted at the first debate and subsequently drop-out of the second. goodjobgoodeffort.gif
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