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Chet Steadman

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Everything posted by Chet Steadman

  1. This press conference is brutal. Quote just now: “CNN is fake news. I don’t take questions from fake news. John, you work for CNN and your fake and so is is your company. Fake. Mike at Fox, your question please."
  2. I like the girl’s song, ‘Pappa Don’t Preach.’ But I got a new song for you bitch, it’s called ‘Daughter Don’t Sing’.
  3. Sorry- I meant “above average” high, not “record” high. You are correct, a running 30 year average.
  4. Phd- I seem to recall Jim Spencer saying something a while back about yearly rainfall and temperature only being updated every 20-30 years instead of being cumulative. In other words, part of the reason it seems like every other day is a warmer than average high -these last few days not withstanding- is largely because they’re based off numbers which are two or three decades old. Is that really true?
  5. Lea Thompson was a babe.
  6. The state should have taken the French up on their offer because they come off as dishonest at best. Not ‘Making a Murderer’ Ken Kratz bad, but pretty terrible nevertheless.
  7. Just finished Staircase.
  8. <————— The Houston mosquito thread is that way. It’s out of simple courtesy we even let you non-Central Texas posters participate in this thread.
  9. Loved the first episode, almost quit after a terribad second episode and then decided to stick with it after a better-than-average third. I’m one or two episodes behind but it’s good enough to keep me interested. I do get the feeling this will end up being one of those shows which (assuming there is one) HBO dials back some characters and makes some much needed changes between S1 and S2. The premise is solid, but there are a few off the wall characters right now who need some major adjustments by the writing staff.
  10. When someone takes something out of the fridge so they can let it “de-thaw”.
  11. Aren’t these pieces fairly common in the marketing world? Seems like an apology which wasn’t really necessary.
  12. This reminds me, what ever came of the self-proclaimed Auatin socialites who took the 4am booze cruise 2-3 years back and hit the unlighted dock? That story went quiet.
  13. I think you were sitting next to me. I was the one who had five margs plus floaters. Can’t remember what I ordered though.
  14. Truck’s Son was always solid. I don’t think he made it over.
  15. Rain. Central Austin. Right now.
  16. Chappelle, Baldwin, McKinnon, Mulaney, DeGeneres. That’s an awesome lineup.
  17. This is the most Alter quote ever. She probably took all two years to come up with this zinger and it still doesn’t make sense. Her ignorance and constant dishonesty make me ragey. “On supply and demand,” Alter said, “I want to remind people that supply and demand falls in week one or two of Economics 101 for a reason. The rest of economics is about debunking all of the situations that supply and demand is not the only law of economics. … Zoning does not equal housing supply and density does not equal affordability.”
  18. That’s horrifying.
  19. Where’s Merlin in that pic?
  20. Not particularly related, but I’m reading King’s newest book and he takes a humorous jab at Kubrick’s version of The Shining. The Shining is one of my favorite books ever but I thought Dr. Sleep was largely forgettable.
  21. What a terrible take. UofH has four former Baylor coaches on their staff. And not Baylor coaches from 5-10 years ago either. Coaches who were on the staff when all the shit went down and who were directly involved. Not Baylor by any stretch? Lulz, they’re the most Baylor-lite team in D1 football.
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