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Chet Steadman

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Everything posted by Chet Steadman

  1. Binged S2 of In the Dark this weekend. Caught up with the exception of the most recent episode which dropped today. I have not listened to S1 but this season is about a black man in Mississippi who has been tried for the same crime six times. Three trials were overturned by the state’s higher court and #4 and #5 were hung. Really interesting story and some really shitty behavior by everyone involved on the state’s side (surprise). Episode seven has some real holy shit moments.
  2. I’m sure Krazinski is a fine actor and all and he was great in ‘A Quiet Place’, but I still only see Jim Halpert in every movie or show he stars in.
  3. What’s ole Wolfman up to nowadays? Doesn’t he still live in Austin?
  4. Where was Pinch a Pollo?
  5. Must be a proud moment for that fan’s family and friends. Trash.
  6. This guy’s troubles were well documented in high school. Briles, Stoops, Casey Horny, etc. all knew what a piece of shit this guy was and still recruited him heavily. Disgusting.
  7. Faaaaahhhhhhhhk no.
  8. Is today the day?
  9. Wtf is 770?
  10. Now the only UFO footage we see are the ones the Air Force and Navy put out.
  11. Yea, you really stepped out on a limb on that one.
  12. I’m afraid to ask but how long is CoA permitting taking for plans on a new residential buil?. We hope to formally be submitting plans in a week or so and I’ve heard time ranges anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Is it worth spending a few grand on an expedition or have their roles largely diminished now because of the backups?
  13. Should have titled this “Texas Heat Wave”. Now you’ve left the door open for the jackass posters who live in Wyoming, Minnesota, the Dakotas, etc to tell us how awesome their summer is while conveniently forgetting their home sucks shit the other eight months a year.
  14. It’s a proposed rewrite of the existing code in order to make things less confusing and more streamlined. The only problem is it’s over 400 pages longer than the document it is intended to replace, the people who wrote it don’t fully understand what they created and it will very likely be scrapped all together. Oh yea, and it total Austin-fashion, it only cost you and $8,500,000 to have all this done.
  15. Didn’t ABC give us three prime time tOSU games in a row last season, including the 50-0 blowout at Rutgers?
  16. Every sports thread on every sports board in the history of the interwebs has the soccer guy over-hyping the popularity of soccer in the US. I guess Goo is ours.
  17. Has anyone had experience with the SimpliSafe alarm system? I’m needing a relatively short-term alarm system and they appear to be one of the few non-contract based companies. Most of their product looks to be DIY install but I think I’m willing to handle and deal with the lower end technology if i can avoid the 3 and 4 year commitment which to be almost standard in the security world now.
  18. Par for the course for those guys. They have a longstanding reputation of running restaurants into the ground.
  19. Mikes Pub 2Js Casa de Castillo The original Vivo Babe’s (I don’t remember if the food was good, but the place was awesome as a kid.)
  20. They hired this man along with three other Baylor coaches. They're trash.
  21. This thread’s predecessor extended 80+ pages and over five years. Most of it was bitching about the Mopac construction, which, not surprisingly, is still not complete and is now almost three years behind schedule. Kirk Watson’s nephew got rich, residents of Austin got screwed. And who really needs those soundwalls anyway? On the near horizon for Austin is the Hwy 183 expansion to the airport (which actually appears to be ahead of schedule,) an I-35/183 flyover which is 15 years too late and $95,000,000 in sidewalk and bike lanes which were approved by the City of Austin voters this past November. And maybe tolls. Or maybe not. Another sloppy, half-assed light rail measure is likely in the works too. Oh yea, and traffic still sucks.
  22. Looks intriguing:
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