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Chet Steadman

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Posts posted by Chet Steadman

  1. I’m afraid to ask but how long is CoA permitting taking for plans on a new residential buil?.  We hope to formally be submitting plans in a week or so and I’ve heard time ranges anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.  

    Is it worth spending a few grand on an expedition or have their roles largely diminished now because of the backups?  

  2. 8 hours ago, UT_OB1 said:

    I wanted to thank Phil for working with me. We ended up getting a family business partner, but Phil would have been the good option if that hadn’t fallen in to our laps. 

    We are looking at a property to rent out in Galveston.  the current owners just signed some shit heads to the upper duplex. In one month they’ve taken a very nice recently cleaned up place and made it in to a mess. Dogs, cats, reptiles and their shit all over the tile floor. It is 2 bedrooms, and they have 2 kids plus someone seemed to be staying with them when we inspected?  And they managed to put a hole in one of the doors...

    The siding is in need of repair.  1/3 has been replacef with hardi plank.  At least 1/3 needs some serious patching of the current wood so that water and bugs can’t get in.  I’d like to replace it, but I don’t think I can afford that now. Has no attic ventilation, roof was recently put on, but they didn’t put a rolled roof, so we’ll need to add the ventilation so that the roof makes it hopefully 5 years.  


    first question - as long as they are paying the rent, do you care about the shitty tenants?  Would this scare you away?  The money is what I consider very good as long as both are paying  ($600 a month in cash after paying bills).  My realtor, who I do trust and who manages quite a few properties, said stuff like that doesn’t bother him as long as they pay.  This is our first rental though  

    second question, and this is a morals thing - for any of you doing this, have you or would you ever call cps?  Again, 2 small kids and literal shit all over the floor. Dad and whoever was staying with them passed out in the 2 bedrooms after 1 while we were doing inspection. Trash and food everywhere. Just didn’t seem healthy.  I’ve lived in some bad conditions, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. This just seemed... I don’t know. Hard to describe, and I felt terrible for the 2 little ones. 

    Galveston CPS: 409-763-0277

  3. Should have titled this “Texas Heat Wave”. 

    Now you’ve left the door open for the jackass posters who live in Wyoming, Minnesota, the Dakotas, etc to tell us how awesome their summer is while conveniently forgetting their home sucks shit the other eight months a year.  

  4. 32 minutes ago, Nonbryan said:

    What's the scoop on CodeNext?  

    It’s a proposed rewrite of the existing code in order to make things less confusing and more streamlined.  The only problem is it’s over 400 pages longer than the document it is intended to replace, the people who wrote it don’t fully understand what they created and it will very likely be scrapped all together.

    Oh yea, and it total Austin-fashion, it only cost you and $8,500,000 to have all this done.  

  5. On 5/17/2018 at 7:57 AM, PencilPusher said:

     I think ABC wanted to get OSU on more than anything else....it will have more cracks at Texas later in the year in primetime is my guess. 

    Didn’t ABC give us three prime time tOSU games in a row last season, including the 50-0 blowout at Rutgers?

  6. Has anyone had experience with the SimpliSafe alarm system?  

    I’m needing a relatively short-term alarm system and they appear to be one of the few non-contract based companies.  

    Most of their product looks to be DIY install but I think I’m willing to handle and deal with the lower end technology if i can avoid the 3 and 4 year commitment which to be almost standard in the security world now.  

  7. This thread’s predecessor extended 80+ pages and over five years.  Most of it was bitching about the Mopac construction, which, not surprisingly, is still not complete and is now almost three years behind schedule.  Kirk Watson’s nephew got rich, residents of Austin got screwed.  And who really needs those soundwalls anyway?

    On the near horizon for Austin is the Hwy 183 expansion to the airport (which actually appears to be ahead of schedule,) an I-35/183 flyover which is 15 years too late and $95,000,000 in sidewalk and bike lanes which were approved by the City of Austin voters this past November. And maybe tolls.  Or maybe not.  

    Another sloppy, half-assed light rail measure is likely in the works too.     

    Oh yea, and traffic still sucks.    


  8. 23 minutes ago, Sidney Sherman said:

    Foul trouble.

    Did you watch the game? CP3 and Harden each had 5 fouls and Clint had 4. The officiating was one way the whole game. They overturned an offensive foul on Goobert and turned into a foul on Clint for NOTHING. 

    You seem unhinged. 

  9. What’s been lost in the last seven pages is the Utah Jazz are a damn good team.  OKC didn’t blow any series.   

    The better team simply won.  

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