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Chet Steadman

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Everything posted by Chet Steadman

  1. You seem unhinged.
  2. Wow. That was filthy.
  3. Utah is en fuego, yo.
  4. Interesting. Loved S1. I guess S2 will be a stand-alone? I can’t see how they continue the story.
  5. I had no idea Manley was gay, black or trans? Good news for he and for the City of Austin though.
  6. I think some of you may be confusing being cheap with being poor?
  7. With Rubio: Houston in 7. Without: Houston in 6. Hate that he’s out the majority of the series.
  8. What’s been lost in the last seven pages is the Utah Jazz are a damn good team. OKC didn’t blow any series. The better team simply won.
  9. Yikes
  10. This Jazz team is a blast to watch.
  11. Would the “Eyes of Texas Blvd” be more or less offensive?
  12. It was right there under our noses all along. “The eyes” “upon you” is clearly a metaphor for Johnny Plantation watching over his slaves. And, ”do not think you can escape...”. <shudder>.
  13. This country should have very little patience for DAs who refuse to admit their mistakes -or worse- double down on their stupidity. I hope that Montana DA is voted out of office so quickly his head spins. Or better yet, gets the Ken Krainz treatment and the ugly not-so-ethical parts of his life are exposed.
  14. Chinese. Definitely gonna be the Chinese.
  15. Quoted for great pics. Where were Fiesta and Capri located?
  16. A restaurant which opened last week? Really?
  17. A few more for the north-of-the-river peeps courtesy of the Austin Skyscraper page: Koenig looking towards Lamar in 1937 The silo and farmhouse in the background are approximately where P. Terrys stands today.
  18. El Arroyo - Holy hell, this place has had a dramatic fall from over the past few years. Aside from the iconic sign and the nostalgia factor, what more do they do well? I can’t imagine they’re long for this world. Kerbey Lane - Good queso, average breakfast. Everything else is forgettable. Guerros - No explanation needed. That’s not mexican food. What say you?
  19. Whoever said Matt’s food is a solid B is exactly right. It’s a very consistent “good” restaurant. Atmosphere and patio are A+ though. Still find myself there at least 1-2x/month despite living north of the river. And Maudie’s? Talk about a place which has fallen hard over the past 3-4 years.
  20. Sheeeeet. Sorry- I had been drinking. Actually, I still kinda am.
  21. I don’t see it on Netflix?
  22. A classic CoA move. I'd be livid if I was the developer. The same five members who failed to show up are probably the same five who bitch about lack of housing options in the city. https://www.bizjournals.com/austin/news/2018/04/11/more-delays-for-grove-at-shoal-creek-development.html
  23. “I’m not wearing my bio-med sensors Houston.” My favorite movie ever.
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