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Chet Steadman

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Everything posted by Chet Steadman

  1. Apparently the White Lotus is somewhere near Arctic Circle in the summer months because the sun is constantly present during the middle-of-the-night scenes.
  2. After today’s ep, I’m guessing the ‘Shit Tyrone, Get It Together’ meme has been officially been replaced by Patrick. Woof, that was bad.
  3. Yea, Steph may have been one of my Top 2-3 thus far. Thought he was really solid.
  4. Chet Steadman


    We’ve been doing dirty weekly since it reopened. Gotdam their burgers have been fire lately.
  5. When all of this is over it would be interesting to compare this summer to Summer 2007. I would guess May-June-July ‘07 had a higher rainfall amount but this summer has had more days of measurable rain.
  6. The opening theme song never get old.
  7. I was reading a story a couple months ago about an individual and his weight loss journey. I don’t remember the specifics but when he started he was in the 5’9” - 5’10 range and around 350lbs. Like many of you suggested, he documented everything he consumed. But, taking it one step further, he also journaled his friends and families reactions so he could use it as motivation along the way. What he found was interesting and ultimately became the greater “story” within his story. Almost all of the feedback he received the first 100-120 lbs of his weight loss were what you expected: constant encouragement, praisings of his physical appearances, offers from people to join him on his morning walks, near constant pats on the back, etc. However, as he continued to lose the weight he ultimately fell below the “normal” weight of that of his social group and he began noticing the responses from his friends changed drastically. Suddenly the comments of “you look great, keep up the good work!” gave way to “don’t you feel like you’ve earned a break?” and near constant pushing of people urging him to sneak in a dessert or two, encouraging to incorporate more cheat days and meals into his diet, etc. The last 20lbs of his journal basically became people non-stop trying to talk him out of everything they had praised him for the first year+ The piece went much more in depth on the matter but the crux of it was everyone was encouraging of his actions until it ultimately turned the mirror on them.
  8. Totally anecdotal but during my Saturday morning beer run this morning I noticed, perhaps for the first time ever, HEB was completely out of ice. It may just be coincidental but that was the first time I’d ever seen that occur.
  9. From the looks and sounds of it here in West Austin, big things appear to be imminent.* *subject to change because of forcefield and all
  10. I know nothing about ERCOTs security features but I would imagine, given recent past performances, they’re ripe for the next big hack by a foreign source.
  11. That KXAN article from last week sure seems silly four days later
  12. The Mick Foley one was great. What a good man. I hope his body and mind allow him to continue to stay sharp because he brings about a lot of good in this world.
  13. After nearly everything, Travis only got 4.5’
  14. “She’s kind of like a female Stringer Bell.” <camera pans to Marlo> lol
  15. At some point we need these rains to train over the Perdenales. Thus far the last three weeks have done jack to Travis.
  16. Another good rain storm right now in Central Austin. lol at almost all the forecasts showing a dry Memorial Day Weekend just as recently as Wednesday/Thursday. Are we still pretty certain the sun will come out today or are we looking at clouds all morning and afternoon?
  17. Remember June ‘07 when there was measurable rainfall in like 25 of the 30 days? That was kinda nice for the lakes.
  18. KXAN better bring Uncle Jim back out of retirement for this. Although on second thought, he was filling in for David Suits on Tuesday and he predicted less than 10% chance of rain for today. So maybe the game has passed him by. Who knows. Turn my fahking power back on.
  19. I stand by the post I made back in February when I went 98 hours without power. If this lasts more than 18 hours, I’m posting Adler’s cell on both Surly and Reddit. FAAFO
  20. Apparently all of NW Hills is out. All told, I think I’ve spent about two weeks without power the first five months of this year.
  21. So what’s the actual latest? I went back in September and nearly consumed a double LuAnn expecting it to be my last but so far, everything appears to be business as usual. They’re likely going to end up keeping the better performing units right? …right?
  22. My favorite part of this list of nearly fifty potential sites, is that the city has left open the possibility that the final determining site, may not in fact, be included on this list. I guess the next list will include elementary schools and retirement homes.
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