I was reading a story a couple months ago about an individual and his weight loss journey. I don’t remember the specifics but when he started he was in the 5’9” - 5’10 range and around 350lbs.
Like many of you suggested, he documented everything he consumed. But, taking it one step further, he also journaled his friends and families reactions so he could use it as motivation along the way.
What he found was interesting and ultimately became the greater “story” within his story. Almost all of the feedback he received the first 100-120 lbs of his weight loss were what you expected: constant encouragement, praisings of his physical appearances, offers from people to join him on his morning walks, near constant pats on the back, etc.
However, as he continued to lose the weight he ultimately fell below the “normal” weight of that of his social group and he began noticing the responses from his friends changed drastically.
Suddenly the comments of “you look great, keep up the good work!” gave way to “don’t you feel like you’ve earned a break?” and near constant pushing of people urging him to sneak in a dessert or two, encouraging to incorporate more cheat days and meals into his diet, etc.
The last 20lbs of his journal basically became people non-stop trying to talk him out of everything they had praised him for the first year+
The piece went much more in depth on the matter but the crux of it was everyone was encouraging of his actions until it ultimately turned the mirror on them.