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Harrison Stafford

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  1. Jabari Smith is terrific coming off the bench.
  2. In and paid
  3. Don’t think because you’re in a wheelchair I’m going to go easy on you.
  4. I did one bracket last year and finished second to Welshy who did two brackets. So, this year, I’m in for two. Paid.
  5. Screw that. The Rockets ain’t waiting ’til next year. When we’re healthy, we can play with anyone.
  6. Thanks for this tip and sign me up. Got a check from GERN last year for $822.30 as part of an investor settlement. Speaking of GERN, the company got EU approval for its drug, RYTELO, last week. So, RYTELO has both FDA and EU approval. Of course, GERN stock has done nothing on the news….because it hates me….and I hate it right back. And GERN’s CEO of 14 years left the company last week, so there’s an interim CEO. GERN’s sp was about the same when that CEO started and when he left creating no shareholder value in 14 years. Hell, I could’ve done that.
  7. If the market collapses into the close, it might be time to add to positions tomorrow. Sure as hell wouldn’t do it today.
  8. Also returns KO’s and punts. Missed most of last season with a torn ACL. Good pickup.
  9. Something’s going on with ICON. Avg volume 3.07M. Today, it’s 99.07M. +.04 to .19.
  10. That’s OK. There will always be new opportunities to lose more money.
  11. Damn. TNXP was at 60 in Dec.
  12. The question here is whether the Atlanta Fed is making an educated guess about tariffs and government firings that is overestimating the effect on GDP. Until we see something that confirms or refutes that, the market is starting to act like we are heading for recession. Personally, I don’t think we’re recession-bound. Going into 2025, I thought we might have a correction and, now, I think that a 10+% correction in the 1H off the year is in the cards. So,, I’m sitting on 70k in cash waiting for the S&P to fall to the 5300 range and add to some my positions. This stock moves with the price of uranium. At the end of January 2024, uranium was $100/lb and UUUU was $8. Today, uranium is $65 and UUUU is $4.16. Have 20,000 shrs of UUUU at 6.19 and this stock has been one massive disappointment. However, uranium’s time is nearing and UUUU’s uranium is domestically sourced, so no tariffs. The daily chart has reached an oversold level and volume is increasing. Almost bought another 5,000 shares today around 4.10, but I believe the market’s headed lower and am looking for a 3 handle before adding and >averaging down<. If I’m wrong and UUUU takes off without dipping sub 4, I still have 20,000 shrs, so it’s not like I won’t be participating in the move up.
  13. I would be patient. With the Atlanta Fed now projecting a negative 1st qtr GDP, a serious correction could be in progress. If they start talking 2nd qtr negative as well, that would be a recession and could mean we are at the start of a bear market. 4 year cycle low is due in 2026.
  14. Johnny Ca$h would be proud.
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