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Everything posted by MAROON

  1. Williams ranked #64 in MLB draft projection - has some great stuff.

    2021 NCAA Baseball

    yes, and his picture looks exactly like what a crazy fuck who would kill his kids and himself would look like.

    2021 NCAA Baseball

    Rice President announced he is retiring in 2022. Wish he would recuse himself from the baseball hire. Hallmark would be the best hire with Childress in the mix. Lance looks to be going to HBU which would be great for them - maybe he can raise some money and get them lights on their field.
  4. was going to post this. Other small museums of art worth seeing - The Barnes Collection in Philly, The Frick Pittsburgh, The Phillips Collection in DC, The Spy Museum in DC - not art but a cool museum.
  5. I don't think you guys understand 1. the draw of George Strait in Texas and 2. the pent up demand for live festivals after a year of COVID bull shit
  6. he was also fantastic in Seems Like Old Times with Chevy and Goldie, and also in The Lonely Guy with Steve Martin.
  7. going to Bludorn tonight. An must haves from those tat have been there?
  8. Closed years ago. Moose out front should have told ya
  9. instead of PF/Gatlinburg, head to Western NC. Lots of mountains to hike, can still do SMNP, and lots of trout in the rivers.
  10. second moderna on Tuesday. Sore arm, but not as bad as shot #1. Felt a little mixed up yesterday afternoon (24 hours after). Then the wife had me hanging drapes in our garage apartment which was about 80 degrees. Got a good sweat going, then a shower, two Tylenol, and good nights sleep. Woke this morning feeling like a champ. Scotch-Irish genes FTMFW
  11. they make the best baseball cleats. Will be interesting to see if their basketball shoes take off with the Kawhi deal they have.
  12. I spent many a night in Gilley's in my high school years (before UC) and college years (after (UC). Great call on recognizing the locals who made it into the movie. Always love Bud's first trip to Gilley's as they walk up and guys are getting thrown out for fighting. That was a nightly deal - it was a rough place pre UC. Also remember Johnny Lee's club down Spencer Highway (I think that s where it was), and Cowboy where Pam and Bud end up dancing. We would always showu p for Gilley beer night - cheap beer for college students during the summer months. Pretty sure it was either Shiner or Texas Pride rebranded.
  13. PSA - If you haven't read American Tabloid, then immediately stop what you are doing, purchase it and start reading. Just a fantastic book.
  14. watched The Gordon Lightfoot doc - pretty entertaining, The back story on the recording of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald was mind blowing. No one in the band and ever seen the music until the day they recorded. Drummer didn't even know what to do so Gordon said he would give him a nod when he needed to come in. Song wasn't even planned to be recorded that day but they had extra time left in the studio. The recording you hear was their first take. They tried to do other takes but they never sounded as good.
  15. and the Oilers won the 60,61 AFL Championship and lost the 62 and 67 AFL Championships.
  16. Son got a Sous Vide kit for Christmas. Yesterday we grabbed a couple NY Strips for a test drive. Pretty damn good
  17. Crane is very litigious so you never know - but I imagine MLB doesn't want this going to discovery and trial. It's pretty clear to me Lunhow was a scapegoat, but how you prove it is another thing. Manfred wanted him out of baseball because he doesn't play well with the other GM's.
  18. Springer is not signing with the Astros - they know this so it would be a waste to go after him. Many reasons - He wants to go to the East Coast, he is pissed at the team for bringing him up so late that they increased their team control, he's not happy about them not offering a contract last season,
  19. first call needs to be to Jeff Luhnow
  20. I've been there before and its not much of a "village" - its actually a depressing as hell looking place. But Elon should up the offers to $200-$250k then they could find places in Corpus and Aransas Pass if they have to be close to a beach.
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