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Tommy Nobis

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Everything posted by Tommy Nobis

  1. At least we’re slightly reducing the negative run differential this inning
  2. So why exactly did Correa hit the IR?
  3. Oh. Read the last 20 posts and it seemed like we are getting blown out lol.
  4. Really disappointing not to be able to throw up a crooked number there.
  5. He was so god damn behind that fastball it’s not even funny.
  6. Did you miss the bregman hit earlier?
  7. Do they even try to check JV for sticky stuff? Lol. I always see him just walking to the dugout like a fucking boss.
  8. Who you calling a dumbass? Dusty or the pitching coach?
  9. So we finally decide to put a little pressure on their centers instead of letting them abuse us 1 on 1? About 10 mins too late but keep it up.
  10. Worst we can say is we played to our seed unlike ol Barnes. Playing with house money tonight. Let your fucking nuts hang boys.
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