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Tommy Nobis

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Everything posted by Tommy Nobis

  1. Whats the story with this dude getting the start?
  2. How about score some runs against a shit team?
  3. Pour it on these pussies. Is Fiers still “hurt”?
  4. I’d be willing to bet that’s 100% straws fault
  5. Just tuned in. Seems like a solid night to build that run differential
  6. Wtf was that queer ranger manager arguing? Lol
  7. Dipshit ump had called that all night for the rangers
  8. Jfc this ump has missed that corner all fucking game. It’s a ball dipshit.
  9. Good Jose Bad Jose all in one inning. The play is right in front of him. Don’t get fucking thrown out like that.
  10. Gonna nickname this ranger pitcher surfer douche. Looks and acts the part so far. We’ll get to him soon.
  11. A’s seem to still have a Golden Horseshoe stuck up their collective asses.
  12. 8 run lead didn’t even feel comfortable to me
  13. Just pouring on that run differential
  14. This. At least he saved the pen a couple innings.
  15. Ball hit hard and shallow so trout had the advantage. Change him to a green light.
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