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Brock Sampson

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Everything posted by Brock Sampson

  1. Next time don’t have kids, douchebag
  2. I had the same thought. I figured some crooked investor or scam artist would try and slip the convenient store clerk/manager/owner a few hundred bucks for the surveillance tapes on the day of the ticket purchase. I even read an article that said the winner let someone go ahead of them in line so that would be even easier to narrow down in the footage.
  3. What the hell happened to all the guns? Didn't they have a military-like arsenal after the war with Negan?
  4. Shit, then I am one ugly motherfucker
  5. Who give a shit. Just win, Sam.
  6. K-State has always been a very well disciplined team that did a good job NOT shooting themselves in the junk with stupid penalties. If all this guy does is bring in a method of practice that reduces false starts then it's worth every burnt orange penny.
  7. Y'all do realize they just leased bunch more space at the Domain: https://www.bizjournals.com/austin/news/2019/02/11/sources-amazon-leases-big-chunk-of-new-domain-high.html There won't be an HQ2. They'll just spread their teams out over their current sites and hubs.
  8. He will crush his enemies. See them driven before him. And hear the lamentation of their women.
  9. I got a dick each and every time. Oh, I see. It's a joke. Hilarious.
  10. Sounds like he thinks he’s the second coming of Christ and that he can redeem these guys by giving them “second chances.” Total ego driven narcissist.
  11. [Keith Jackson]He's going for the corneeerrrr....[/Keith Jackson]
  12. over/under on celebrity cameos at 3.5
  13. Did we hire a "Generic Motivational Slogan" guy to the staff?
  14. Sheesh....they lose one World War....
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