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Al Czervik

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  1. Seen something similar to what you’re suggesting at some HEBs (when it’s open of course).
  2. “Freedom Fries” had its day in the sun too.
  3. Hey Roring, jag har en tums penis. Merry Christmas bilinguals!
  4. There is a story about RH asking Nolan Ryan for autograph baseballs for his kids and not reciprocating when asked by NR for the same. Rarely do athletes make good roll models, some do, most don’t.
  5. You can replace ‘coffee’ with ‘what you made/ate’ from the Steel Shank thread.
  6. I think someone did the same burrito concoction with Allsups fried magic in a tortilla. GD genius.
  7. Reminds me of the time about 14 years ago at Deep Sea HQ where the fish cleaner guys took out a +3’ alligator of a shark that had been brought in for cleaning. Slightly decomposed but really cool to see.
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