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Al Czervik

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Everything posted by Al Czervik

  1. Username kinda checks out.
  2. Reason # 867 Al doesn’t shop at Walmart. People that shop at Walmart know the risks and still shop at Walmart.
  3. Not if you don’t stop touching yourself. Selfish.
  4. Way late here buddy, Surly was on this within the first few minutes, with a better gif.
  5. X X X x x
  6. Giddy Ups is still divey/dirty, but that’s the way it should be. Still the best bar on an in Manchaca. You Surlylites need to go leave a few bucks in n that bar.
  7. Catching up on this thread. Chester’s funeral was the only funeral where Al couldn’t hear part of the eulogies because the audience was digging around in the ice chests and popping beers. Chester was a good guy.
  8. obligatory Your Mom holsters it just fine. and, yes I need an upgrade for that firearm.
  9. Sunday afternoon lunch, serious lack of leftovers in this house. Decided to go old school SS thread with accompanying knife and firearm.
  10. If you had classified Allsup’s burritos as weird shit this thread would have gone into lockdown.
  11. Finally, it’s been years since hunting and shooting opportunities have afforded Al this blessing. Blanco County, 125g Reduced recoil Core lok, 30-06 70’s vintage REM 700. (New trigger courtesy of Remington lawsuit, 5 years ago) Shoots like a dream. Please excuse the blood.
  12. Got bored read the article, this gem at the end. ‘That’s what makes football so different than so many others sports — we don’t cancel games. You play them and you go.’ -Jimbo Fisher, misremembering last year bowl season.
  13. At an Academy near you. To be fair there was a Longhorn model too.
  14. Probably because he doesn’t want to be one upped with his career choice.
  15. Nice sunrise West of Johnson City. Big 8 came hustling through chasing a doe and dickhead here didn’t even have his rifle loaded. Seen 15 different deer and 1 porcupine.
  16. Did this 2 weeks ago, surprisingly easy. Looking great.
  17. Still amazed that the university hasn’t kept this organ grinder off of social media. What ever happened to protecting your brand? Social media is the downfall of humanity.
  18. The music videos certainly were. #teamDLR-VH
  19. Anyone catch the gal behind home plate with the sign? and big tits?
  20. Rookie? first season on Surly?
  21. Have bird hunted with dogs that do that on command. Lends itself to things being staged for internet wins. My black lab, rest her soul, would have enjoyed the challenge of being surrounded by cats.
  22. That happens on Spanish television, like all the time.
  23. If you can find it buy it. Not pumpkin spice but it fucks.
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