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Al Czervik

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Everything posted by Al Czervik

  1. <lamarlatrelle gif >
  2. So I guess by this news, Orlando has been rehired by Texas and been given a raise too.
  3. Father Pat isn’t calling this game. Won’t work. shouldn’t be calling anyone a c s.
  4. Good catch, well done.
  5. Stop celebrating making a tackle. It’s your fucking job.
  6. Sam ain’t out there alone. Simmer down
  7. And we're all going to get LAID!!!!!
  8. Al approves. FIGHT!!!
  9. I can only somewhat recall this joke. How does it go?
  10. America is already losing interest.
  11. Bring back the Waxahachie Wild Man. #teamNacho
  12. This reminds me of the old joke where a bear asks a rabbit if it has problems with shit sticking to his fur. The rabbit says ‘no, why’? The bear then wipes his butt with the rabbit.
  13. chick is annoying as fuck.
  14. Just watched the series Generations War. Produced in Germany about 5 young German friends that go their separate ways in the early stages of WW2. Think of the war spreading East into Russia. Kind of a German Band of Brothers/The Pacific. Well produced stories with plenty of action.
  15. Channeling Dave Chappell. or Randy Marsh. Been waiting for the Surly to kick in. Surly slowing down.
  16. Big 12 refs working MLB as a side gig.
  17. The Golden Age of movie making.
  18. Worth the wait. Lots of clappers at the end. Not a fan of clappers. Will see again.
  19. Joe’s legs don’t work.
  20. Not even 5 minutes in and I already pissed.
  21. Trucks out there right now cleaning up. Amazing how many pallets the homeless accumulate.
  22. I read this and immediately thought of the scene from Repo Man where Otto shows up to the yard after getting beat up. Repo Man don’t go running to the Man.
  23. Do you get as case of the Clap with paid admission too?
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