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Al Czervik

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Everything posted by Al Czervik

  1. Rolllllll, in flour first, Tiiiiide
  2. Syndicate right by the tracks and access road u turn under 183. Probably lasted all of 4 weeks. Billed as Austin’s upscale night club. Totally a front.
  3. Whole wheat is for them hairy legged women down in Austin, get back to the regular white crust Hippy.
  4. The Surly missing opportunities to turn this into a tshirt from the start is pure Surly.
  5. Early 80’s Travis High School. Teenage Al is sitting in Miss Craig’s political science class and she mentions that some of the young gentleman sitting in her class today could be interested in Carter’s same age daughter. Younger Al may have winched and shook his head, nope, not even on the mostly lonely of so many lonely nights. Her looks were rather unfortunate but so was mine. /csb /hitsclosetohome
  6. Paper plate and plastic fork A+ for this thread. The rest not so much.
  7. Needs a paper plate or a once used styrofoam plate, I have learned from this thread that disposable dinnerware only improves these creations.
  8. Something your Mom had never heard.
  9. Getting a sponsor involved would ruin it just like anything fun. Cornhole, pickle ball and kids sports all use to be fun.
  10. Every 3 minutes? Been there plenty to know that you spend way more time waiting in line than you do eating at Valentina’s. Everything took too long at the trailer. Just my observation. In think they were counting tip money as income when they were courting investors. and pickle talk not going away.
  11. Does it come with a side of pickles?
  12. Is the ‘Frank Stallone’ reply/injection the Surly equivalent of the internet ‘Albert Einstein’ reply/injection? Just asking. Frank Stallone was great in Barfly.
  13. Definitely wasn’t BBT if she shit right for a week.
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