Hmmm.....I'm almost sure CDC will talk to Joffe for recommendations since Joffe is known to have a lot (even compared to other coaches) of contacts within the tennis world as Joffe has worked on all levels- junior development, professional, college, and national development programs.
If CDC were looking for Texas ties, there's Rubio at Denver (but he hasn't proven himself with his recruits yet) and Roditi at TCU. Berque should get a courtesy interview as the current AC and he has top level experience as head coach of a major program (Michigan).
Other names to throw out that I'd impressed with-John Roddick (good luck wrestling him away from the national tennis center and UCF), Tony Bresky of Wake Forest (if CDC wants to aim for the moon like he did with track and softball), Matt Roberts of Mississippi State(young coach with great potential)
Written on the fly, so these are just some educated guesses