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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexMexBuddha

  1. How dare you disparage baggataway?
  2. RIP Steve. Thoughts and prayers to his family and many friends. Hook'em
  3. Late to the [emoji3574]un[emoji3574]expected news! Hook'em Cedric! Welcome to the 40 Acres family![emoji869][emoji243]
  4. Uh... Think Pony Express means Trans AM and CJK5H, duh.🤘
  5. Hook'em Derion! Welcome to the 40 Acres family! Let's go get a few more of these!
  6. I survived on Pancho's Mexican Buffett and a hard nap in between practices.
  7. aggy wish granted. Chuck Norris is on it! We are so in trouble now![emoji869]
  8. Welcome to the 40 Acres! We are stackin' big dudes now. Awesome, awesome, awesome! Hook'em. 🤘
  9. Hook'em Malik! Welcome to the 40 Acres![emoji869][emoji243]
  10. "They think they're William Wallace. They're looking more like George Custer." That or Little Finger...,[emoji869]
  11. Hook'em Sydir! Welcome to the 40 Acres family! [emoji243][emoji869]
  12. TikTok is evil and should be banned. No CR. Public service announcement .
  13. Yes...weird correction logic on phone Hook'em!
  14. Late to the Monday party. Hook'em Johntay! Awesome news. Welcome to the 40 Acres![emoji869][emoji243]
  15. Hook'em Billy! Welcome to the 40 Acres family! [emoji869][emoji243]
  16. Hook'em Derek! Welcome to the 40 Acres! [emoji869][emoji243]
  17. Damn we are on a roll!!! Welcome to the 40 Acres Trevor! Hook'em! [emoji243][emoji869]
  18. Hook'em Jonah! Welcome to the 40 Acres family! [emoji243][emoji869]
  19. Hook'em Andre! Wow! More lineman. Welcome to the 40 Acres family [emoji243][emoji869]
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