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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexMexBuddha

  1. From Taco Shack on Spicewood Springs...FIGHT!!!!![emoji869]
  2. Awesome! Welcome to the Forty Acres Mr. Thompson! Hook'em 🤘
  3. He committed (and stayed) because Drayton and Kevin Washington.
  4. Fozzy wearing purple on GameDay. WTF Fozzy?
  5. Keep it going!!! 12-1 baby! Grinding coffee on this bitchin Friday. FIGHT!!!!![emoji869]
  6. Green beans huh? I figured you for Brussel Sprout hate. Go figure. [emoji869]
  7. This has been my comp. Balance, elite vision, and the ability to get YAC. Emmitt with his hand slaps, and Bijan, well he's got a full tool kit of moves, stiff arms, and body contortions. Deceptive speed out of holes too
  8. From North ATX, enjoying under 100 F'in weather. ok...so now 11-1 TEXAS!!
  9. Outstanding pickup! Welcome to the 40 Acres Justice! Hook'em [emoji869][emoji243]
  10. From my backyard finishing up my final call.....TEXAS!!!!!!
  11. From North ATX...FIGHT!!!!!!!![emoji869]
  12. Did I post here already? Who cares.. Hook'em J'Mond! Welcome to the 40 Acres [emoji678][emoji684][emoji869] [emoji243][emoji205][emoji1653][emoji322][emoji869]
  13. Alright! Hook'em Jaray![emoji869] Welcome to the 40 Acres. [emoji243][emoji322][emoji1653][emoji205][emoji678][emoji684][emoji869]
  14. Don't need to be drunk to know that at 9:58 on Sunday OU still sucks. [emoji869]
  15. 12-0. Fuck the haters. Shock the Nation II. Its 9:58 and OU still sucks.[emoji869]
  16. Hell yes! Welcome to the 40 Acres! Hook'em [emoji869]
  17. Hook'em Champ! Welcome to the 40 Acres. [emoji869][emoji243]
  18. Hell yeah! Spending the day on Lake Hamilton (Fuck no vaccinated sooey, no CR), but this is great news! Hook'em Derrick! Welcome home to the 40 Acres![emoji678][emoji684][emoji869],[emoji243] [emoji322][emoji205][emoji1653][emoji38]
  19. My vote is for Okie and the BandUT. The cherry on top to this SEC move should be a return to the right proper burnt orange to distinguish ourselves from the Volunteers' orange like this clown is wearing:
  20. Holy shit. No punch held there. [emoji678][emoji684][emoji869]
  21. Basketball recruiting showing up that damn foosball...
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