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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexMexBuddha

  1. The vortex man...
  2. I'm in the Blue won't be here camp. I hope we take flyers on malcontents that fight with their coaches and teammates.
  3. RIP Larry. [emoji869] Hook'em
  4. We traded Horney for a monkey. Think we are much improved just on optics alone.
  5. It's still a badass picture. What's the deal? [emoji869]
  6. I lost my brother to cancer when he was 13. I can tell you that not a week goes by where I don't think back in time of him or about what could have been. Reflection always helps to realign my empathy for the young folks, however entitled and pissant some may seem, they all breathe air that is precious to us all. Robbery of a full life sucks. My thoughts and prayers for you Sam. This hits close to home.
  7. This news sucks. Too many young people dying too soon. RIP Jake. Thoughts and prayers to Sam and family.
  8. Then this came out and the invention of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  9. That's pretty cool. Wasn't following the draft enough to realize. Thanks for sharing![emoji869]
  10. Thank f'n goodness my intuition was wrong in this case, and Urban is not the coach we needed. Ooof.
  11. Yeah fuck that noise. Donnie Little, James Brown, VY. All great representatives of the position. Donnie fucking moved to receiver, he was such a team guy. I reject this bullshit. There!
  12. I did not know you were in the WNBA playoff bubble. Wonders never cease!
  13. Yes, but we'd have to write papers and shit on game theory, angle for peer review with a leading journal, like Econometrica, then wait for our Nobel prizes and dumb it down while sipping boba with the plebes.
  14. My comp has been Emmitt. Dude was not fast, but he had great vision which translates to easy mis-tackles. Bijan's juke is much better.
  15. Damn! A whole lotta garbage to point out garbage. Sheesh.
  16. Delivering a flatulant experience silently takes a certain amount of commitment to sphincter control.
  17. First spring game missed in five years. Caught the game on LHN though. But Port A was beautiful. All vaxxed up grateful for seaside air!
  18. Nice pickup! Welcome to the 40 Acres![emoji869] Hook'em!
  19. [emoji24][emoji174][emoji869][emoji3536]
  20. Pato del Maize....has a nice ring to it.
  21. I was one of those $5 knothole buying, Earl Campbell-watching kids, so this hits close to home. And he's our LB coach. What's not to like?
  22. He was in that movie Push. We can have fun with below though...
  23. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
  24. So glad Kevin Washington is still around.
  25. Hook'em Mr. Ross. Welcome to the 40 Acres! [emoji869]
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