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Everything posted by HeyMcFly

  1. Haven’t really followed his recruiting. Did we get involved too late? Surprising no Texas teams had a chance even aggy with their GP aggyness all around him.
  2. They get another easy schedule next year as well.. except they have to go to Austin, BR and Notre dame
  3. They have every remotely tough game at home this season, the stars were aligned for their asses smh
  4. I don’t have twitter but the replies have to be gold right now lmaoo
  5. Anyone want to guess the collective IQ among these gentlemen? 4 one for each of the Tenn fans cause we know ou fans are brain dead
  6. “We’re the premiere program in this………..” man stfu
  7. He just threw shit into his 19.99 chat gpt subscription and let it roll. His version of adding a sixth finger
  8. Lmaoo no way that post is still up bwahhahahah
  9. Can’t forget the non existent offsetting language in the contract lmaooooo
  10. Holman knew the devil came to collect his soul from Saban? lmaooo surprised aggy didnt leak it
  11. so aggy hired Holman in hopes of landing Ryan Williams? lol at them giving him a co-oc title to go along with it
  12. If I was am, I would have just hired art and dealt with the blowback instead of this embarrassment
  13. How can you even aggie math to back into thinking am has more money than Texas lmaoooo what a dumb bitch
  14. They’re fixing to let bama and Georgia in and kick us and fsu out lol
  15. The collective sploosh from guys and girls the moment Archie came in could be heard back here in Austin.
  16. He needs to send brooks a piece of that walker trophy cause if he didn’t get hurt. He’d have won easily.
  17. 56-21 imo hang half a hundo like a bauce
  18. Penix would piece this secondary the fuck up. Any other team we’d beat.
  19. The osu fluff pieces are incredible. Are we even winning? Lmaooo
  20. We need as many style points as possible and to kick gundys teeth down his throat
  21. My parents are only 15 and 16 years older than me so they were always the youngest parents at any event we went to lmaoooo
  22. I only got to meet him that one time when he found out his sitter passed away and still came on stage to perform at the rodeo.
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