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Everything posted by Jebus

  1. so I guess the difference between 49-0 and 30-34 was that Venables was able to get his sign stealing operation rolling at OU then
  2. right, so no good reason then
  3. Tell me again why we don't just have radios in the helmets? Or playcall wristbands that could easily be changed out at any time?
  4. you have to write a manifesto first. must be at least 500 pages, single spaced
  5. little of column A, little of column B
  6. Well he did say it was surprising that he hasn't been outright fired, which is obviously different than being suspended. The whole point in talking about how michigan is coming across as brazen is about public perception, so there would be no point whatsoever in suspending coaches in secret. The point is to let the world know you're "doing the right thing". Why would they hamstring their preparations for the next game by suspending coaches and then not immediately tell everyone?
  7. I heard we offered him 50 hundred thousand
  8. Yeah, I’m sure he’d risk his position as the official edit dude by revealing the surprise to a random person just because they asked him
  9. is this just today's version of the hat game or what
  10. I just wanna say, I fucking love the consistency and dependability of the hatred you have for Coach Brisket Jerky. do you have a similarly strong opinions on Caleb Williams or nah?
  11. Proposal for new board motto
  12. Man, that parkway dude needs to switch to decaf
  13. What the fuck, man. Sark is letting this UH defense drop their nuts on his face
  14. Dude shut the fuck up
  15. you can tell by its little balls
  16. Pantone 166 is a nice troll of a username too
  17. nice of Adidas to really help ease their transition into the role
  18. I'm interested to see how they respond to the polls this week- How are these guys gonna respond when they see that beating mighty A&M on the road at the vaunted Kyle Field didn't even move Alabama up a single spot from #11? What about the fact that their other "good loss" Miami is just barely hanging on at #25 (and ranked behind #23 Kansas by the way)? And of course Texas remaining in the top 10 despite losing. My guess to all 3 (and much more) is some variant of the BOMC
  19. she's a tough old broad, all the Aggies line up to get pegged by her
  20. bruh wtf
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