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Everything posted by Jebus

  1. so does that mean you're going to be giving the press conference instead of coach Herman?
  2. Hey man, people didn't like the MBTF stat diarrhea press conferences, make up your mind
  3. except that 17 & 18 year olds that have never lived away from home don't have any experience or life skills for dealing with a sudden influx of $100k. You can say all you want about how their parents should have taught them better or prepared them better for "real life", but I'd be willing to bet that plenty of people on surly or anywhere else would willingly admit that they would have fucked themselves up pretty good if someone had said come up to them their first day of college and said "here's $100k, have fun". My point is not that the players should not have any responsibility, it's that the organizations, coaches, etc. that all go on and on about "molding young men" and "educating people that wouldn't normally be able to go to college" and the purity of student athletics shouldn't just say "hey guys, you're adults, figure all this shit out on your own, this is not our problem."
  4. Fuck the NCAA, allowing kids to make money based off of their talents/likeness whatever is the right call, but the NCAA is so institutionally stupid and clumsy that there is just no way this won’t be a complete and total clusterfuck. man, some kids are gonna get fucked over, probably in ways that can’t be foreseen yet, but an obvious one is some kid signs with a school for 50-100k, acts like the kid he is and spends it all, doesn’t do well on the field, no money after that initial payment, but now the taxes are due and he spent it all thinking he was gonna be paid in college until he went in the first round of the draft. I mean, if you think about NFL busts who end up broke and with a shitty life, it’s gonna be worse for lots of college washouts. Just as many friends/relatives with their hands out, less money, and a much higher bust chance. If they really wanted to do right by these kids, they would need to be very careful in writing the rules here and making sure schools or some other centralized entity takes some responsibility to help manage things- set aside money in escrow for taxes, etc. I’m sure schools will find ways to monetize this too, “sign with us and you’ll get access to a marketing department and financial guidance, for just 20% of your earnings”
  5. This is worse than the ending of game of thrones
  6. Well, bye Cole. fun while it lasted
  7. And now for the sweet release of death
  8. Who's left in the farm system to give up for an arm? My impression as someone who doesn't follow the farm system super closely is that the string of recent multi-prospect deals have stripped away some of the bulk of the minor league system. Seems like Tucker is basically past the prospect stage, and if Whitley is not good enough to step into a role with the team by then, some of the shine will be off of him as a prospect as well, so who's left to use as bait to pick up an in-demand arm at that point?
  9. Yeah the nats are going to be in full backs to the wall survival mode. If they lose they’ll be able to tell themselves they still have Strasburg in game 6 and Scherzer in game 7, and if they win it will really fire them up and possibly demoralize the Astros that they couldn’t win against an emergency starter with Cole on the mound. I guess what I’m saying is that this is the biggest game of the season.
  10. angle grinder with a wire wheel attachment, but the wires have to be rusted.
  11. Hopefully he just felt like he was done for the night and not actually hurting in a way that would affect his future availability. Didn’t seem like it watching him in the dugout. There’s definitely something about setting aside your ego and passing the baton that seems like a rare quality, particularly in a starting pitcher. It’s obviously easier to feel good about it since it worked out, but it’s also potentially helpful that he only went through the lineup twice, so getting out when he did has potential benefits of not letting the nationals hitters get another look at him, as well as keeping him fresher for an all hands on deck situation in game 6 and/or 7.
  12. I think he was referring to Black Gideon from Shaggy, not Blake Gideon from Denny’s
  13. Not sure how this fits with the multiple stories that have been written about how Chirinos and JV have fit together so well that for the first time in his career, JV has a personal catcher. Not to mention the fact that AJ Hinch, the former catcher who has always been against the idea of personal catchers, is also on board with Chirinos as JV's personal catcher.
  14. And here I was all ready to contribute to the fake wreath fund
  15. Obviously very early, but Ingram is looking pretty decent so far today
  16. Hey, maybe Cole will re-sign to take care of unfinished business!
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