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Everything posted by Jebus

  1. Wisner beasting, another fucking flag
  2. even the wide open checkdown with unlimited time was off target
  3. love to see a guy running backwards on a punt return trying to make something happen. dude you're up by 18, secure the ball and get the offense on the field
  4. couple holds in the end zone there, whatever
  5. throwing off the back foot, weird arm angles, just slinging it around all sloppy
  6. just pure garbage the last two plays, WTF
  7. like to see Blue holding onto the ball with two hands
  8. I can live with offsetting I guess, like to see the boys getting in there to defend the QB Fucking Herbie ignoring the late hit to talk about a phantom hold
  9. Please tell me Texas is not getting the flag here
  10. Halftime message: don't let a shitty team hang around and start believing, crush them
  11. god dammit bert
  12. hahaha, ice that, bitches
  13. god dammit, fucking flag take the points
  14. if you're kicking it, why not let the clock go to like 3 seconds before calling the TO? must be going, right?
  15. hahaha he was WIDE open, what a shit throw
  17. clear recovery?
  18. Stomp on these fucks, don't give them ANY breathing room in the second half
  19. Is it possible that this sooner always dreamed of going to A&M but couldn't get in?
  21. it really helps to appreciate the nuances of cheese puns and PG-13 tit gifs
  22. try using a sharpie, a pencil is too hard to see and a ballpoint just tears em up
  23. That’s even stupider than their usual fanfic, “cocky del conte” is just about the most aggy nickname I’ve ever seen. perfect combo of painfully unfunny, not catchy at all, not tethered to reality in any meaningful way, and yet it fits in so well with their blatant screaming insecurities. So obvious it seems like it must be a Texas troll, but you just know it’s an earnest lil ag, toiling away fighting the good fight.
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