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Everything posted by Jebus

  1. don't worry, I'm sure someone will wander in there and tip them off. It'd be a lot cooler if they didn't, though.
  2. Definitely hard to answer- single shows vs. multi band festival type things are hard to compare. Mr. Bungle at Fitzgerald's in 1999- such a great band, too bad they never recorded anything after California. Ween at Stubb's in 2000 was pretty memorable including closing with a version of LMLYP that felt like it went on for 30 minutes and had some girls get up on stage and start stripping. Some outdoor concert festival thing at Randall's Island in NYC in 2007 that had Blonde Redhead, Les Savy Fav, LCD Soundsystem and Arcade Fire that was pretty great. Every Radiohead show I've been to has been amazing. Lollapalooza 1992 was memorable, both for the lineup (Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ministry, Stone Temple Pilots) and for the fact that my car got towed and I was stranded in Rosenberg afterwards.
  3. Jebus

    Nintendo Switch

    Agreed, golf story was great. I picked up Skyrim when it was on sale at Amazon recently, playing through that again on switch with the DLC is pretty cool. It runs very well. Steamworld Dig 2 was good, if you like Metroidvania style games. Axiom Verge and Cave Story+ are also good games along these lines, but the originals have been out for a while so if you've played them elsewhere, I don't think there's anything new in the switch versions. Blaster Master was a nice remake of the old school NES game. Dragon Quest Builders was actually pretty fun too, kind of a Minecraft with an actual story and direction. It has a free demo so you can check it out before buying. The combat is super easy so it would be fine for kids too. I'm interested in binding of Isaac too, but haven't picked that one up yet.
  4. can we hire sister jean?
  5. Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria!
  6. Jebus


    Yeah, I haven’t played since just after masterwork weapons came out. I might play some 6v6 banner this week but I just haven’t felt like playing at all. Never even did the raid lair. I figure maybe I’ll be back when the next dlc drops, that way all of these incremental changes that should have been in the game from the start will be incorporated, and there will be some new content too.
  7. In case you haven’t played it, if you order the deluxe version of far cry 5 (any version that comes with the season pass), a downloadable copy of far cry 3 is included. Apparently you can also also just buy the season pass and it will come with that downloadable far cry 3. Not it sure if this is a limited time thing or not.
  8. Is there a way to somehow archive or transfer the classics forum from shaggy over to here? It would be a shame to lose all of that history. I tried to PM Derka about it but this software gave me some bullshit about there only being one message allowed or something.
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