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Everything posted by Jebus

  1. Fucking finally!!! fuck yes
  2. Maybe the most alarming thing here is miss state getting into the backfield and just stuffing our shit every play.
  3. Even just not fucking up plays that were there it should be 17-3. Blue fumble and Cook with the awful drop were lost points they really should have had. this is exactly the recipe for an upset, letting them grind out yards and TOP, turning the ball over, getting punts blocked and dropping open touchdown passes. Really need to sort this shit out at halftime.
  4. Ok settle down now, let’s get a score and then please clean up this shitty run D.
  5. yes, "might as well take away their milkman outfits and put them in those ghey sweaters" so close to getting it
  6. I'm sure there will be some, but when they lose recruits to places other than Texas, I believe the saying goes "it just means less".
  7. Yeah but they were proven, tested program that had already beaten a highly ranked Michigan team on the road kinda recently.
  8. I mean as we speak, they have both the "sips will lose a few over the season, the SEC schedule is a meat grinder they aren't ready for" and the "sips are so lucky they have the easiest schedule in SEC history" narratives running in the same thread at the same time. Also, bonus points for the "they're in for a rude awakening when UGA comes to town" and "we're the only thing standing in their way of an undefeated cakewalk to the playoffs" set of arguments. Why flip flop when you can just present diametrically opposed arguments simultaneously?
  9. PK should start calling the sack and turnover plays more
  10. Defense needs to stop sleepwalking through this
  11. Don’t forget the huge road win in a tough environment
  12. this is some good roller coaster climbing right here
  13. you're just asking to get fisted by the monkey's paw here just be glad the t-shirt is black
  14. you must have missed the aggie screenshot thread (congratulations on valuing your time, by the way) where all the aggies were creaming their overalls to that incredible takedown
  15. You are actually at this game? And you stayed through a rain delay to get some more? brother, why?
  16. you may be underestimating the power of burnt toast, powdered eggs and piss charts here
  17. Fist her and find out
  18. "Are we required to say Vandy will kick tu's ass too?" finally this guy gets it
  19. Good to see that they've got both sides of the "Overrated Texas is getting stomped in Ann Arbor this weekend" and "Defending national champ Michigan sucks, beating them on the road doesn't prove anything" narrative fired up already
  20. The part about Clemson basically being post colt mccoy Texas flared up my PTSD big time
  21. As I read pages and pages of the best fans ever turning on the coaches and team after one loss (that was close the whole game) against a (supposed) top 10 team, I just keep thinking about this preview where someone actually wrote "In the end, this is Aggie football, so you know what the results will be", and the feeling I had as I read the actual content and realized that he meant "you know what the results will be: a big time aggie win"
  22. So RT is team topbutton huh
  23. So much gold here. When she first tries to slide that Texas-Texas A&M handwavy same-same gesture by everyone and after a second Portnoy just goes “Kayce.” and then every time he does the level comparison he keeps making them further apart and you can just see her trying to keep her cool the way they straight up laugh in her face the false argument that A&M has more money, which is somehow just accepted but still doesn’t sway anyone. the argument that you can’t know how the two schools compare unless you’re from Texas. and then ”what are you basing that on?” ”Everything!”
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