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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Terrible. Just terrible.
  2. If this goes extras, can we do a double switch and put Straw on 2nd?
  3. I was planning on smoking a 12 pound brisket on Saturday but I had a last minute recording session and had to leave town, my wife messed up the recipe but it turned out great, here is what happened: I brined the 12 pound brisket starting Friday night then left town. My wife on Saturday night forgot what I told her and took the brisket out of the brine and rinsed it, she then rubbed it with a mixture of ground chipotle pepper, black pepper, chili powder, sugar, $#@!in and cilantro, she then cut it in two (donâ€[emoji769]t ask why) and put each piece in a large freezer bag, put half a bottle of liquid smoke in each bag and put them back in the fridge, on Sunday night she put both pieces into a large metal turkey roasting pan then covered them with a mixture of Stubbs and cattlemanâ€[emoji769]s BBQ sauce, she cooked it at 225 for 5 hours. I was pissed with I got home and while I was yelling about her screwing up my brisket she shoves a piece of the brisket in my mouth, I almost popped a boner, it was the best $#@!ing brisket I have ever tasted outside of a restaurant. My wife is giving me the biggest $#@! eating grin along with a told you so look.
  4. My phrase is “throwing the thesaurus.” He please don’t throw your thesaurus at me.
  5. ^ That must have been made before Johnny Carrabba opened Grace's and Mia's Table. Speaking of, not earth shattering but the Memorial City Mia's Table and Torchy's are about to open. The Kirby Ice House next to them had opened and then had to close.
  6. I may throw down $229 on this portable pellet grill/smoker https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/asmoke-portable-applewood-pellet-grill/x/23236168#/
  7. No Urquidy, Osuna, and Peacock gives us more Chuckles!
  8. Don't know what their current status is, but 100% Taquito was always good.
  9. Apparently Pitts & Spitts makes a good pellet smoker if that’s your thing.
  10. Well now that Fitzgerald’s is now a parking lot...
  11. Yeah Breadman wasn’t some Covid Underbelly chicken tenders bullshit. He had a contract with them before all of this. I will say I wish they still carried the prepared Kiran’s stuff. It was really good.
  12. Won’t do a longcat quote but Just GRK does indeed make a tasty burger.
  13. Recently got this Matfer Bourgeat carbon steel paella pan. In addition to paella, it quickly became my go pan for roasting, pan frying, etc. Can easily use it on the grill or inside on the gas range. Much lighter than cast iron but otherwise cooks very similarly. https://www.acemart.com/kitchen/cookware/paella-pans/matfer-bourgeat-62051-14-black-steel-paella-pan/MTF062051
  14. Gee thanks and please let me know when the NFL Network replays the Oilers-Bills debacle while you’re at it.
  15. There's potentially False Claims Act liability if Medicare, Medicaid etc. is footing the bill.
  16. https://kottke.org/20/03/an-explanation-on-how-coronavirus-damages-your-body
  17. The one thing I’m certain of is that there aren’t any places to rent in Tuscany.
  18. Can someone re up that chart with the symptoms and percentages of cases? I can’t find it in this leviathan of a thread.
  19. Welp one of son’s kindergarten classmates tested positive.
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