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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-astros-secret-weapon-tons-of-strikeoutsand-never-striking-out-11566906733?redirect=amp#click=https://t.co/ORiqAzpQhN
  2. Ok not enough time to evaluate but then you evaluate.
  3. I will be wearing my trucker hat to tomorrow night’s game.
  4. JD Davis with a walk off for the Mets.
  5. NY Times: The Astros Are Major League Baseball’s Happy Place
  6. My 5 year old son wants to learn "kung fu," likely due to me bingeing a few old kung fu movies on Amazon this weekend. What type of martial art is best for a 5 year old? There are several karate and (even more) taekwondo places around my hood.
  7. Comcast are the ones who fucked up the network. The Astros and Rockets (actually Les kept the claim after the sale) still have a lawsuit pending against Comcast in bankruptcy court.
  8. I’m seeing that we got a OF prospect back from TOR also.
  9. So with the money coming back, Astros owe Greinke $53M. That's not too bad.
  10. I figured JBB and Martin we're gonna be going out
  11. Only giving up D Fish who was blocked for Sanchez and Biagini?
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