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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Fuck, scrolling through the headlines on the NYT app right now is fucking depressing. Too much winning.
  2. No sugar or honey at all. A splash of red wine or balsamic is acceptable in my book, as the acid offsets the sugar in the vinegar.
  3. It’s basically Cafe Express with better ingredients (yet same level of blandness) and a full bar.
  4. Yes, and Trump can't blame this solely on Cohen and play the victim of the aggrieved client with a shady lawyer. AMI has now admitted to being part of the Trump-Cohen conspiracy.
  5. See also Avvo for extorting lawyers.
  6. Mack Tripper


    El Tiempo uses flour tortillas for some of their enchiladas, which is weird and not very good.
  7. They may be random people, but they are the best random people.
  8. So how does one respond to a job offer from the FSB? If you accept, that's more than some light treason. If you say no, you're gonna get the polonium umbrella.
  9. Yeah, I know this place pretty good. I went to law school here.
  10. Meant to quote the next post. Won’t let me edit. Oh well.
  11. Lol. Me too. I bailed on that when it dropped down to 50.
  12. So there’s now a video from July 2015 of a Trump speech in Vegas in which Maria Butina of all people is able to have her question answered about his policies on Russia and sanctions. His answer is what you would expect.
  13. Yes, I believe SDNY is investigating Podesta.
  14. 100x this. Not to mention that the high tech scanner takes a lot longer than the x-ray and the line always backs up.
  15. But why do we need to sign a catcher shitty enough to be willing to sign an affordable 1 year deal? They have money to spend. I'd much rather have spent a bit more on Maldonado.
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