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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. ICE has been arbitrarily arresting and deporting LPRs, who have never been charged or convicted of a crime, when they show up for their citizenship interviews.
  2. In Harris County, we have a clown as our county clerk who had to be told to remove Soros conspiracy shit from his website by the Republican county judge.
  3. Don't people have to go to their precincts on election day?
  4. Reports all over Twitter from Atlanta and surrounding areas of much fewer voting machines than in the past, including one African-American precinct where they didn't have power cords for the voting machines. Come on, Kemp.
  5. Where’s Wallace? Where the fuck is Wallace?
  6. So the prosecutors even said the dude was a dick and didn’t deserve a deal. There are really no legitimate mitigating factors here that justify commuting his sentence other than the obvious non-legit factor that the dude is white in a very brown and black criminal justice system.
  7. That’s a very un-Abbott thing to do. What’s the back story?
  8. I predict that there is already a thread for predictions.
  9. Question for @Anastasis or anyone else with experience with PredictIt. In a market for an event with one outcome or another, such as which party will control the House, why is there an option to buy "yes" and "no" for both outcomes? If I think the Dems will win, I can buy a Yes for Dems or a No for GOP, but those identical outcomes aren't priced the same. What's that about?
  10. Well actually a transgender bar but tomato, tomatoh
  11. My understanding is that some third party group who doesn't like AOC submitted Crowley's name as their candidate and is distributing fliers with Crowley on them.
  12. With credit to Gillum, the white nationalists/abject racists believe the republicans are racist and in line with their views. So there’s that. Richard Spencer and his ilk are not clamoring to support Democrats.
  13. Beto’s biggest challenge for a long time was name recognition. It’s in this thread. His numbers at the beginning were like 40% no opinion. Going moderate was never going to help with name recognition, which is clearly no longer an issue. It also so happens that running moderate isn’t who Beto is which would have been disingenuous.
  14. The Politico article second guessing, before the election, that Beto should have run as a moderate ignores not only the past results in Texas, where moderate milquetoast candidate after candidate have been trounced, but also the current reality, where in the special elections, primaries, and polls, progressives running as unapologetic progressives have had real success.
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