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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Yeah Karl Rove talking in hindsight about a campaign he knows more about is really fucking rich given his epic meltdown on Fox News on election night in 2012.
  2. Did Tammy Duckworth have a picture of her with no legs on her signs when she first ran? Just asking questions.
  3. I give Crenshaw credit for beating a tough field of republicans in the primary. I have nothing against him personally. He will probably win. Just would prefer someone who had more experience since he will be representing me in all likelihood. And yes I’d rather have Crenshaw than Culberson.
  4. If you guys can’t see a difference between Crenshaw’s and Beto’s respective qualifications before running for Congress then bless your heart. Not that you need real experience to parrot Trump I suppose.
  5. I have no idea who Terry Lowery or Hotze is. I’m a liberal Democrat who doesn’t keep up with local GOP politics all that much. I personally know both Lanier and Roberts but didn’t have a dog in that fight since I voted in the Dem primary. Edit: I recall reading about this in the Chron. So what job does Crenshaw have where we can afford to buy and remodel a house in the heights, (but not able to rent an apartment instead of staying with parents)? That’s a real question because even Crenshaw’s own campaign website doesn’t list any career or employment info other than being in the Navy years ago. It’s not just about the money either. It’s about being qualified for Congress.
  6. There is so much wrong in that article regardless of the outcome Tuesday.
  7. I’m in the Litton vs Crenshaw district. Yeah it sucks for Crenshaw that he lost an eye and great that he served but he has no business being in Congress. He and his wife live with his parents and he hasn’t had a job since leaving the military and getting a masters. Of course his policy positions are the usual Trump nonsense.
  8. When you’re trying to steal an election, best thing to do is accuse the other side. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/kemp-charges-georgia-democrats-attempted-voter-hack-abrams-fires-back-n931011
  9. Fun fact: Stacey Abrams has a MPA from Texas.
  10. 538 rates them as a C with a slight R bias.
  11. Harris County back up to over 64,000 for Thursday.
  12. And then sign you up for cat facts
  13. Just donated to Janz again based on this tweet.
  14. So one Senator who is no longer in office and now disavows a previous position is what these idiots are relying upon? Goodbye and good luck.
  15. Gun talk on Beto thread not going away.
  16. So I attended some fundraiser (for some PAC that jointly benefited John Cornyn and NRSC) last night where John Cornyn spoke. (Not voluntarily, it was work-related, and the open bar and free food weren't bad, and I damn sure didn't give any money). We dems in attendance played talking points bingo. "Soros is paying protesters." "Kavanaugh was treated horribly by the mean democrats." The actually interesting thing from his speech is that at one point he starts talking about the midterms. After conceding that the democrats will take control of the house, he starts talking about the senate. He goes down the list of all the competitive senate races by state and name: (this is nearly verbatim): "Last night I was in Nashville campaigning with Blackburn. We're confident we will keep that seat. We think Rick Scott will win Florida, but it will be close. In Arizona, McSally is a bit behind but we're not sure how accurate the polling is there. We're very confident that Cramer will win in North Dakota and that Heller will hang on in Nevada. Indiana is going down to the wire but I'm going up there to campaign for Braun....Welp thanks for coming and enjoy the great food and drink." Fin. Not a single mention of Ted Cruz or the Texas senate race. If you didn't know any better, you wouldn't know there was even a senate race going on in Texas. Both republicans and democrats talked afterwards about how bizarre that was.
  17. I hate when the flight I'm on veers off the runway to avoid cows.
  18. Js1 mother talk not going away.
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