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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. It looks like there’s a rascal on the back of the tow truck with the van.
  2. Nobody's going to vote tomorrow because it's too crowded.
  3. NYT reporting that all 10 were actually mailed and that many, if not most, were likely mailed from (you guessed it) Florida.
  4. NYT reporting that all 10 were actually mailed and that many, if not most, were mailed from (you guessed it) Florida.
  5. I don't understand how the orange lines can be higher than the green lines. If the green lines are all early voters of a given age range, and the orange lines are the subset that have never voted in a primary, how can the orange line be higher than green?
  6. The olds voting isn't remarkable. The big takeaway from that graph is the high numbers of people voting who have never voted in a primary before. If Beto has any shot, he needs to these kind of people you don't/rarely vote to turn out.
  7. I went to law school with her. She had the same 90s mom cut during law school in the (late) 90s.
  8. Not to mention that party ID in Texas is only determined by the primaries someone voted in the past, which have abysmal turnout, particularly for dems and independents.
  9. Old money conservatives live in Tanglewood, the Villages, and also River Oaks.
  10. You must be new around here. I’d say most of the pro-Beto peeps in the Beto thread are Gen X and older millennials.
  11. Harris County had more in person voters today than yesterday. https://www.harrisvotes.com/Docs/Uploads/EVPA.pdf
  12. That’s an odd group of counties to focus on. Williamson is 12th and Hays 24th in population.
  13. Yeah, I feel like I jumped the gun a bit but said fuck it and pulled the trigger.
  14. I'm quite optimistic that, given what we added (and likely deals to be made after December 15), there won't be a drop off from losing Ariza and Mbah a Moute.
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