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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. This. Most of the refunds have been for people who have already given over the individual limit.
  2. Mez is gonna bang some maze before the night is over.
  3. Hot take. He had 3 PBs in 40 games with the Astros.
  4. So yeah Bredesen supported Kavanaugh and is (justifiably) catching all kinds of hell for it.
  5. Cruz released that he raised $12 million for Q3. Beto hasn't released his yet.
  6. So Beto has this as a close race because there are that many new Democrats?
  7. There's no way Cruz is +2 with independents. N=66 doesn't tell you a whole lot in a state of 28 million people.
  8. NYT on white evangelical women coming around for Beto (and not about Kavanaugh) https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/09/us/politics/texas-beto-orourke-evangelicals-women.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fpolitics&action=click&contentCollection=politics&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront
  9. Oh and I didn’t make it to the event in the Heights today, but I did make the rally at the Berry Center way the fuck up in Cypress. There was quite a crowd for it being a rainy Monday afternoon in Cypress. Lots of teachers in the house being that it was a school holiday.
  10. My dudes, you guys are sweating a poll where 200 people have responded so far. The 18-29 demo has all of 12 responses. Chill the fuck out and keep working.
  11. My bad. I meant he has a lot of wear on the tires - not tread. He was a one and done at UCLA and played in 80 games his first season as a 19 year old. He'll hit 1,000 regular season games played this year and he's played in over 100 playoff games.
  12. This was my biggest takeaway. It’s pretty choice that the Club for Growth is criticizing anyone for potential redevelopment using eminent domain. That’s their jam
  13. It’s more likely than not Ariza is about to fall off the cliff. He’s got a lot of tread on the tires, which showed in the playoffs.
  14. HOWDY......WHOOOOOOP!!!! Don't stop doing you, Ags.
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