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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. It won't last for four weeks with the way the news cycle operates these days. See Access Hollywood tape.
  2. The Rs will get what they want this weekend and there's still four weeks to the election.
  3. I started calling my 4 year old “Squi.” He’s not a fan.
  4. Let’s hope. But we say this every cycle in this state.
  5. But we always knew Cruz was going to do nothing but play identity politics and play to the lowest common denominator. And deploy Russian bots. I think the answer is more pointed campaigning and ads that aren’t the typical ominous music/voice over and distorted images attacks but rather going negative on Cruz on the clampdown and true to form tip. That is, Beto being Beto but playing more offense than defense.
  6. Calmer than you are. For whatever reason it made the rounds today. I saw it posted several dozen times on twitter. People are fiending for new polls.
  7. Actually 538 grades this poll a B+ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/
  8. Huh. I thought it was odd that the same poll had the same result. Not sure why they republished an old story.
  9. New Ipsos online poll has Beto up 3. https://www.khou.com/article/news/politics/beto-orourke-leads-ted-cruz-by-three-points-in-us-senate-race-new-poll-finds/285-596140704
  10. Not only did a 350 lb dude get a job on TV, but he also won an emmy!
  11. Swetnick's sexual preferences have fuck all to do with her witnessing others getting intoxicated by drugs or other things against their will and sexually assaulted. And if she likes to have sex with more than one man, that doesn't mean she wants to be drugged and raped against her will.
  12. Yeah, I know that place pretty good. I went to law school there.
  13. How many briskets does this thing hold?
  14. According to Ted Cruz, you can be sitting in your apartment, minding your own business, and find yourself murdered. Just like that.
  15. Cocaine Mitch sending Ted a nasty gram for having to spend all that GOP money.
  16. It was a bizarre thing to say - “This is my statement!!! I wrote it myself!!!!”
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