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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. There shouldn't be a difference. How can the FBI conduct a legitimate background check if the President and his comrades tell the FBI what they can and can't do?
  2. So much for the independence of the FBI. We're living under a got damn authoritarian regime.
  3. Meaning that BK is full of shit, he will get confirmed, and we need to vote these fucks out of office.
  4. A limited and flawed investigation would give them an easy out to vote no.
  5. A plenty thorough investigation can be done in a week. But it won’t here.
  6. The fix is in - Swetnick’s claims won’t be investigated. Wtf. White House limits scope of the FBI's investigation into the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh - NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/white-house-limits-scope-fbi-s-investigation-allegations-against-brett-n915061
  7. This is definitely one of Scott’s biggest liabilities. It’s not just water quality. Phosphate mining is out of control there and people are pissed.
  8. Yep this isn’t the FBI’s first rodeo on Brett’s financial situation and with Ford who has already talked to FBI.
  9. I've done quite a few federal criminal cases. FBI 302s tend to look a lot different than self serving affidavits or not remembering anything.
  10. Graham: "Somone's gotta explain this to Trump. I guess that's my job."
  11. Flake is saying he will only vote yes to move to floor right now. If there's not a FBI investigation he's going to vote no.
  12. Wonder if reopening the FBI background check would cover perjury during yesterday's hearing.
  13. The problem is that 1 would not have led to 2 so there’s no 3 or 4. The White House would have to had told the FBI to investigate and that would never happen.
  14. Like how Hatch asks him to be short in his answers and he complies of course.
  15. I was in a meeting and had the sound off. What happened with the email with Klobachar?
  16. I wish he could list each of these guys' positions on the football team. Oh wait, he will in the middle of Booker's or Harris' examination.
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