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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. I think he actually said “false acquisitions” at one point.
  2. Cruz's next check must have cleared because the Russian bots are out in full force today.
  3. Thanks. I'm out of ammo to pos rep this. Man, I already knew about what they were, but those turnout numbers are BRUTAL.
  4. From that article - 400,000 new registrations since March of this year.
  5. I pour drops of vitriol on you (Garner gonna Garner)
  6. Instead of being a judge in a court, this dude is about to be a defendant in a court.
  7. And that poll was mostly completed before the Kavanaugh clusterfuck.
  8. Yes I have. Have you read Dotard’s twitter in the last 24 hours?
  9. And Beto makes all kinds of False Acquisitions.
  10. Seems like we’re getting multiple FL polls per day.
  11. Maybe the good people of Toronto were booing Osuna because they ended up with Giles.
  12. Which she are you talking about? There are several.
  13. Say what you will about Creative Response Concepts, but at least there is truth in advertising with their name. From the Swift Boat Vets for Truth, to pro-Kremlin propaganda in Ukraine, to Ed's Wheelan's Hardy Boy skills of blaming a middle school teacher, those are some creative responses.
  14. I think they were going to wait until after the midterms, but if Trump fires Rosenstein on Thursday, all bets could be off.
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