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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Beto's positions are not outside of the mainstream in Texas. This is from the NYT/Siena poll done more recently than the Qpac poll for TX-7, which was +21 Romney/+1 Hillary. This has Beto +7 over Cruz. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president? APPROVE DISAPP. DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 42% 52% 6% Would you prefer Republicans to retain control of the House of Representatives or would you prefer Democrats to take control? REPS. KEEP HOUSE DEMS. TAKE HOUSE DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 48% 48% 4% Do you favor abolishing ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency? SUPPORT OPPOSE DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 28% 63% 9% Do you support a bill that would reduce legal immigration and provide funds for a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border? SUPPORT OPPOSE DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 39% 54% 6% Do you support or oppose a federal ban on the sale of assault-style guns and high-capacity magazines? SUPPORT OPPOSE DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 60% 35% 5% Are iIllegal immigrants living in the United States more likely than American citizens to commit serious crimes? AGREE DISAGREE DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 23% 68% 9% Does it bother you to hear immigrants speak a foreign language in a public place? AGREE DISAGREE DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 20% 73% 8% Are there places in your area, say within a mile of where you live, where you're afraid to walk alone at night? AGREE DISAGREE DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 38% 60% 2% If the general election for United States Senate were being held today, would you vote for Ted Cruz or Beto O’Rourke? BETO O’ROURKE TED CRUZ DON’T KNOW Voters n = 491 51% 44% 5% https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/upshot/elections-poll-tx07-1.html
  2. This could be an outlier. This is the first poll where Trump was not underwater in Texas in quite some time. Cruz’s likeability and job approval are similarly higher here than in recent polls.
  3. In contrast, Cornyn's statement had a rant whining about the mean old Democrats.
  4. Another sign Ted Cruz is worried. Very measured statement that he clearly would never issue otherwise.
  5. Or mail back an empty envelope, assuming the return postage is paid for by the campaign.
  6. Agreed, I can envision a scenario where Manafort gives up a bunch of shady Russian shit on oligarchs, Crimea, the Baltics, etc. and whatever he has on Don Jr. et al. for the next couple of years while he's in jail and ends up getting time served if the government is satisfied with his assistance.
  7. This violates the Texas DTPA as Gene Wu has pointed out on Twitter.
  8. At the Beto offices they are $5
  9. And if a Hispanic first name is such a big vote getter, why would Cruz go by Ted instead of Raphael?
  10. To deflect from the poisoning issue, the Russians are now casting these guys as gay, as if that is somehow relevant even if true. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/09/14/britain-calls-them-nerve-agent-hit-men-russians-ask-whether-they-are-gay/
  11. The next indictments will likely include the two Congressmen who used hacked emails against their opponents.
  12. Unfortunately a lot of Hispanics are voting for Cruz.
  13. Need I remind you that Blake Farenthold has a job on K Street. It’s not like they have high standards.
  14. I think that was a Hillary takedown actually
  15. Except the next guy was Gattis. I’d rather have Mr. Gatti whoever that is.
  16. It’s funny that he’s now citing his Fox News sources for his bullshit. This one was Ingraham. Earlier we had some courtesy of Lou Dobbs and Geraldo.
  17. IDMAS but he’ll be hired by some biglaw firm within 30 seconds if he doesn’t go to K Street.
  18. Twitter is one thing. Can you imagine getting Crooked Hillary texts at 3 am?
  19. Trump's rally for Cruz will be filled with anti-media, anti-Hillary, and pro-Trump rants with nary a mention of Cruz other than a comment like "Ted asked me to come campaign for him...isn't this great?"
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