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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. This is going to be interesting. First poll since May. Most have this in the tossup category. Culberson sucks in general but especially at campaigning and raising money. Hillary won this district.
  2. Lol I came here to read up on the latest on this FBI shit.
  3. How long does it take Twitter to deactivate these accounts? Not that the Russians won’t hack/create more immediately.
  4. It was the guy who ran on the field during the World Cup final dressed as a cop.
  5. But to get there, it’s almost a case of the treatment being worse than the sickness.
  6. Hebert talk not going away
  7. So that’s how it is in their family...
  8. Where did you see that Crosswind is affiliated with Rasmussen?
  9. I’m good. I’m totally ready like Trump was for Puerto Rico! Incredibly successful!
  10. Mime motherfucker. Rafael was one. Now he goes by Ted for some reason. Maybe to sound white.
  11. Did you know that Beto went by that name well before high school? And that your boy was a mime at Second? Were you on stage with him?
  12. So shorthand for middle name is ok but not shorthand for first name?
  13. Yes exactly, the great well-known brown privilege in this state and country to obtain a state-wide office.
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