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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. If zoning laws don't expressly prohibit the use, that doesn't mean the use wouldn't be considered a nuisance under common law.
  2. Speaking of followers, the Donald is still following Michael Cohen on twitter.
  3. They are doing some great things, just like that Frederick Douglass is doing!
  4. Too late to edit, but it sure is funny that before the cavalry was called in last week, Cruz wasn’t getting nearly this much traction on Twitter with his bullshit.
  5. The bots are out in full force retweeting that Cruz ad. As are the mouthbreathing simpletons.
  6. According to this Sunday Night Baseball crew, he would be the game 2 starter in playoffs.
  7. I have a couple of friends who were high enough up in W’s 2000 campaign that they ended up getting jobs in OMB and Commerce after W won. They worked with Cruz and said he was smarmy knowitall who they wouldn’t piss on if he was on fire. When he started his tea party fueled senate run, I asked one of them if Cruz really believed all that shit he was saying. The response was that Cruz doesn’t believe in anything except furthering his own political career and will say or do anything to that end. Incidentally, after working for the W administration, they voted for Obama twice and then Hillary.
  8. Cruz is really worried. So far there’s the false flag burning video, fake Russian bots on social media, fake texts about undocumented immigrants, and now a fake story being pushed on social media and Fox News about Beto demanding to remove flags from an event in Navasota.
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