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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Beto's op-ed regarding criminal justice reform in today's Chronicle: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/outlook/article/Beto-ORourke-Texas-criminal-justice-reform-jail-13181472.php
  2. He already did this and Cruz declined saying his Spanish wasn’t good enough for a debate.
  3. I too remember Monterrey House being pretty good (and the candy in the chip baskets). They were all over the place. So what happened?
  4. This. His biggest issue is name recognition. Once people are exposed to him and listen to his approach (even if they don’t agree with all of his positions), he’s much more likely to convert a new or undecided voter. Between just Lebron and Ellen retweeting it (Ellen has nearly twice as many as Lebron), it went out to 117.5 million people. You can’t pay for this kind of organic exposure.
  5. Alessandro Gentile says he's signing with Rockets - NBC Sportshttps://apple.news/ASTnTwfZ7Tk6-PTAndD89Sg
  6. https://twitter.com/CarrieNBCNews/status/1032371931180294144 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/poll-democrat-o-rourke-trails-ted-cruz-just-four-percentage-n902946
  7. I order the club sandwich all the time, but I'm not even a member, man.
  8. Qi had quite an opening game in the Asian Games. 25 points (4-7 from 3pt, 11 shots total), 12 rebounds, 7 blocks, 2 assists, and 1 steal in only 32 minutes.
  9. The video is almost at 7 million views now. Wow.
  10. Beto will be at Westbury High School this evening.
  11. Swaggy P is trying to get signed by the Rockets but that (or any other FA signings) won’t happen unless we can trade Anderson and another player (and likely a pick). I do think we have a move or two left before the season.
  12. Mack Tripper


    You just triggered Erhine
  13. Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays.
  14. Is there a sportsbook where one can bet on this? Asking for a friend.
  15. Someone tweet this at Michael Berry. https://www.texasobserver.org/homophobic-radio-host-busted-at-gay-bar/
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