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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Well that didn't last long. Yesterday I saw a few people driving from the drive thru with food and saw the location on the app available for orders. Today its closed.
  2. Yes, the NY is legit. I like it better than Home Slice, which in my experience can be a bit bland. You can get it by the slice to test it out. It's the closest I've had in Texas to Joe's on Carmine in NYC, which is the slice joint to compare all others to.
  3. Indeed I have. Both are great. The only thing they make that I haven't tried is the vegan and gluten free pizza.
  4. Drove by earlier and the Whataburger is finally open. Also, Baldinucci might have the best pizza in town.
  5. Mack Tripper


    This place is finominle.
  6. Anyone else on the Friday 3:45 nonstop United flight from AUS to BHM?
  7. Another vote for Nema 14-50. Cost me $350.
  8. Haven’t posted here in a while, but based on many visits Street to Kitchen might be the best restaurant in the city. Lao’d District in Chinatown is also a great Thai-Lao place.
  9. Thomas Markle in Memorial City
  10. Does Austin have an equivalent of HAR.com, which is basically a public version of Houston’s MLS database? If not, which appears to be the case, what are the best sites to look for properties?
  11. I’m pretty sure Molzan’s wife got the Bellagreen restaurants in their divorce.
  12. I have a PKGO and it’s an awesome little cooker - sears like a beast. If you don’t need to use the lid, it doubles as a second grill. Way better than Weber kettle.
  13. What is the Snow’s situation these days as far as how early you need to show up to not strike out?
  14. Half a garlic clove is almost like no garlic at all.
  15. Thanks. The best time of use I’m seeing is a renewal offer from Reliant (who bought out my original provider Infuse). 36 months with a $350 early termination fee. $0.24 before the delivery fee during the day.
  16. This is what I had installed. https://www.tesla.com/sites/default/files/downloads/en_CA/CA-EN_NEMA_14-50_Installation_Guide.pdf
  17. Would like to get the electricity wizards input ( ie @sydneycarton ) on this situation. I have a time of use plan that is expiring this week. It was $0.16 during the day and free from 8 pm to 6 am. I drive a Tesla so I would use 55-70% of my electricity at night (depending on how much I drive/charge and use big appliances at night) and the effective rate would usually be $0.09 to $0.11. The lowest time of use I can find now looks like $0.24 during the day, which still comes out a little ahead of the current $0.17 plans that Texas Power Guide recommends (which doesn’t take time of use into account). Texas Power Guide appears to have disabled their time of use tool where you could import your meter data to see plans. Is there another site that does that? Should I just find a decently priced regular plan with the shortest term and lowest termination fee? Is this a job for Energy Ogre?
  18. Mack Tripper

    June 27

    Was hoping someone started this thread.
  19. Do people come to your house and start trying to open your canned goods? If so, it’s rude, and you should stop inviting them over.
  20. I sure wouldn’t drive from the Woodlands for Sorrento
  21. x2. They have an open mic night that is pretty entertaining. Bistro 555 last week was excellent.
  22. Mack Tripper

    Houston BBQ

    Indeed it is Long Point.
  23. Mack Tripper


    I think all the El Tiempos have that deal.
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