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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Eh, it’s one of those playoff games when an opponent is down 0-2 and hits everything they throw up. It happens. What’s annoying is that KAT is over the back on every missed shot and has been called for it once.
  2. I had a case in OKC that had me there for weeks at a time, and this is the best restaurant in the city.
  3. Last night was Minny's lowest scoring game all year.
  4. Same here. And it's not that I think OKC would win the series -- I would just rather not have to watch them play basketball, which is painful to watch at times.
  5. +1. Not a fan of fresh tomatoes in red sauce. The canned organic Muir Glen whole peeled and the crushed tomatoes are also very good.
  6. Ted Cruz in an embarrassment to Texas, Canada, Cuba, and whatever Reptilian world from where we was spawned. Just fucking pathetic.
  7. Just have to shoot their way out of this.
  8. https://sports.vice.com/en_us/article/bjpbd8/meet-the-defensive-genius-behind-the-rockets-championship-push
  9. User name does NOT check out.
  10. So that pic made you say "holy shit"? I think there's a thread for that.
  11. Blackstone isn't cast iron, which I think would be a bitch to keep from rusting outside even under a covered patio.
  12. What you're referring to is that Texas is at will employment state, which means you can be fired for good cause, bad cause, or no cause, as long as it is not a discriminatory cause. "Right to work" refers to union membership. Just sayin'.
  13. Army Brat looking quite dapper there.
  14. This isn't the whole song, but the best live video I could find from back in the day. The full Kashmere Stage Band doc is really great.
  15. Hopefully Thunder-Jazz goes 7 games and we're waiting on them after making short work of the T-Wolves. That would give Mbah a Moute almost 3 weeks of recovery time before the second round.
  16. https://www.gq.com/story/james-harden-houston-rockets-mvp-not-playing-around
  17. I would rather have the Jazz-Thunder as 3-6 on the GSW side so I’m rooting for the first time in my life for Utah Jizz.
  18. Iso Joe gonna play 48 minutes and be out for the playoffs.
  19. Bob's gone. He stole his car! He flew the coop while we were sleeping!
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