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Mack Tripper

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Everything posted by Mack Tripper

  1. Pho Binh Pho Dien Huynh
  2. https://www.fastcompany.com/3065928/sleepopolis-casper-bloggers-lawsuits-underside-of-the-mattress-wars
  3. Woj reporting Luc could be back in second round.
  4. Adams Morgan is the new DuPont. I wouldn’t call it dirty Sixth.
  5. Bros, I’ve already done the Texas-Danzig design, complete with having Ramjet do the work for me. “Texas” should be above the skull. Except that he sent it via PM on the Shag. Furk. Need to go find the file he sent.
  6. Sounds like you have no knowledge regarding the actual facts of Blue Bell’s known shoddy manufacturing processes that killed multiple people and resulting cover up.
  7. Kimpton has a bunch of reasonably priced hotels all over the place. The Line hotel in Adams Morgan just opened. It's in an old Christian Science church. I stayed there recently and enjoyed it.
  8. This wait until the playoffs is brutal.
  9. While you're feeling bless, this guy is feeling cry.
  10. Fuck Blue Bell and their shitty ice cream. They are bad bull, in the parlance of aggy, and should feel bad.
  11. Has anyone used the AT&T sports app in another state? I’m in Florida for work today.
  12. Before today’s loss, since Jan. 8 we’re 34-3 with one loss in the last last two calendar months. I don’t think one loss after we cliched best record in the league is crashing and burning. In the last few seasons, the Spurs and Warriors have both rested players much more than we have going into the first round. We will be fine.
  13. I’m not sure how real any of today’s injuries are given that the game is on national TV and they don’t want to get fined for DNP-rest.
  14. Rockets just clinched overall 1 seed with Toronto going down in Boston.
  15. This was good for the team to play like shit for 3.5 quarters and have to pull out an ugly win.
  16. Wow Five Thirty Eight has the Rockets at a 65% chance to win the title.
  17. Magic number vs Toronto is 2. Assuming we win tonight, we could clinch tomorrow if Toronto loses in Boston.
  18. Gerald Green and Zhou Qi should starts.
  19. BuffBurger is solid. Greenspoint isn’t lying about the floor. I’ve been going there since they opened and have probably been a couple dozen times. I’ve witnessed no less than three people bust their asses with what looked like fairly painful falls.
  20. Agreed - this place is solid. Another really good burger is a food truck at 59 between hillcroft and bellair called Rehla Foods. https://www.rehlafoods.com/
  21. The most interesting thing at this point is who finishes at 7 to face GS.
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