I've been lurking this thread since before Covid. My son is turning 7 in December. He played t-ball as a 5 year year old with mostly 6 year olds. He wasn't the best player on the team, but was solidly the 3rd best. I was one of the assistant coaches, and we had a great time, except for the fact that his team was just abysmally terrible (and the other teams constantly violated the rules in place that were to ensure fair competition). He's always been hyper competitive, so being the Bad News Bears was very discouraging for him, so he wanted to take some time off from playing baseball again and then Covid happened.
Putting aside the reemerging Covid situation, he really wants to start playing again, and registration for spring coach pitch is around the corner. We're in Houston zoned to both Spring Branch -- Memorial Sports Association and Spring Branch Little League. Does anyone have experiences/opinions regarding the pros/cons between the two? Part of the difference appears to be a USSSA vs USA Baseball situation, which I know nearly nothing about other than the bat spec issue.