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  1. They gonna convert the rainy day fund to bitcoin.
  2. Thankfully our Texas Legislature is tuned in to the latest science and is protecting all of us by banning mRNA vaccines (and in fact all medical treatments involving mRNA): https://kerrcountylead.com/virdell-to-lead-the-effort-to-ban-mrna-vaccines-in-texas/
  3. We just need to get serious and convert to French Revolutionary Metric Time. Failing that we need full time DST because I'm a childless degenerate who never gets up before noon, and mows my yard at 9:00 at night.
  4. That message seems to establish motive and, at least tacitly, suggests he put hands on her. I'm not a lawyer but my instinct would be to clam up about this, at least for any public communications.
  5. I've eaten yogurt there, once, 35 years ago (roughly). I didn't murder anybody there, I promise.
  6. Despicable and murderous. What a shitstain on the world.
  7. Also, why the FUCK does IRS not provide fillable PDF versions of the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, what a fucking pain in the ass.
  9. It's going to be a total shitshow. Fiscally, logistically, and in terms of actual productivity and quality of work. But that's what they want, so, mission accomplished I guess. How much you want to bet some "teacher's pet" agencies like the AG's office will get an exemption from this mandate?
  10. Solid game all round, outcome never in doubt.
  11. I guess it's too late to make a bingo card. But take a drink if any of the following happens: A) On a predetermined signal from Trunp, troops move in and arrest all Democrats B) Trump blames the Russian invasion on Ukraine C) US withdrawing from NATO, joining security alliance with Russia D) Russian peacekeepers will be used to monitor the next election E) Trunp shits/pisses himself F) Some Democrat(s) boo or hiss or walk out, and it's all we'll hear about ever G) We've traded all the Fort Knox gold to Elon Musk in exchange for bitcoin of equivalent value
  12. BTW winds in ATX tomorrow are s'posed to be gusting to 40. Probably a good day for an outdoor BBQ or to get a head start on burning your trash & brush.
  13. I mean, it seems like a pretty safe investment. What are the odds of there being another big fire there anytime soon?
  14. I sent a letter about Musk & DOGE (electronically, didn't want to waste a stamp) to Cornyn and Cruz today. Won't do fuckall good, in fact will probably get me doxxed, but I just had to say something about this shit.
  15. Does UT still have certain vaccination requirements for incoming freshmen? Wonder how long that lasts...
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