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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. What does Russia have on Trump? It can't just be that Trump ❤️ Putin, there has to be more. The President of the United States is a Russian asset.
  2. https://www.kxan.com/border-report/feds-pause-contract-providing-legal-services-to-thousands-of-unaccompanied-migrant-children/ These kids better take an LSAT study course
  3. It's great that the free world was plunged into 500 years of darkness, as long as we guard the purity of amateur sports for girls.
  4. If I start flying my US flag upside down, will I get sent to Gitmo? I'm actually more concerned about vandalism or violence from local goons.
  5. Maybe it's just me but recently I've had issues at multiple businesses (typically convenience stores or fast food) where I'll make a minor purchase and the person checking me out will throw away my receipt without even asking me if I want it. Is this a thing now?
  6. As another poster noted above, the landing gear looks a little bit "stubby" as if it might not be fully extended. But I have no idea what is "normal" for a CRJ like that. I also don't see much of a flap angle, but the video isn't very sharp. In crosswind conditions it may be normal to use a reduced flap setting.
  7. Yeah that's too hard even for Ryanair.
  8. They'll probably build Trump-branded hotels and casinos in them. And/or drill baby drill.
  9. There's nothing wrong with a gentleman of a certain age carrying a little extra weight. It's a physical manifestation of success and dominance.
  10. Don't be such a downer! We just need to upgrade one or two spots on the OL. After that upgrade in protection, Dak will put up numbers that will make you forget all about the feebles and the commies. Plus it will fix the running game.
  11. I mean it's pretty much OK now to shovel money and gifts at American politicians and judges, so why should foreigners miss out on that gravy train. Trump is such a crook, he makes Nixon look like goddamn George Washington.
  12. Why do games in the Superdome look so ugly? The field looks brownish and the colors in general look all wrong. It looks like they use sodium vapor lamps or something similar that doesn't have full-spectrum white light.
  13. I'd also look at the undervote (meaning ballots that were filed but no vote for president was recorded). I'd like to know if there were a lot of ballots in certain areas that for some reason appear to not register a vote for President. Of course that can happen when both parties have unpopular nominees, but if it's more than 1-2% then something is up.
  14. Yuge surpise. Trump selling out our elections to Russia & China. Trump’s Justice Department shutters specialized FBI team combatting foreign election interference threats The shuttering of the FBI Foreign Influence Task Force and planned reassigning of team members follows a directive from incoming US Attorney General Pam Bondi dissolving the team. https://electionlawblog.org/?p=148505
  15. This climate is inspiring shitheads and wannabes to take the law into their own hands: https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/04/us/ice-impersonators-on-the-rise-arrests-made-as-authorities-issue-national-warning/index.html Pardons incoming in 3, 2, 1 ...
  16. Those were oxygen generators, which (AFAIK) don't contain gaseous oxygen like a cylinder, but they generate O2 through a chemical reaction when activated.
  17. When mass layoffs happen in business, there is usually** (OK, sometimes) a plausible business case as to why it's necessary, or how it will improve the organization. And, usually**, there is a rational basis in the methodology of selecting who is retained and who is terminated. No good business would just arbitrarily cut XY% of the workforce for the hell of it. Does anyone really believe these federal RIFs are going to improve the effectiveness of the government, at least towards the goals these agencies are intended to perform? This is a naked attempt to degrade institutions that serve and protect the public, and redirect those institutions to instead protect corporations, oligarchs, and other large political donors.
  18. Sorry for your loss. My dad died about five years ago and, like you, my strongest connection with him was through time we spent together fishing. Although to be honest, my dad didn't really give a crap about actually fishing, he'd just prop up his pole and read the paper, or enjoy a Michelob. He wasn't doing it for himself, he just did it to spend time with me.
  19. I would literally rather have Mack Brown. Or Major Applewhite. Or Tom Herman. Fuck, was Charlie Strong not available?
  20. What kind of shitheel thinks, "Hey there was a disaster here. I can use that to extort something I want from these suffering people." Disgusting. Trump is incapable of cooperation because he sees everything as a transaction that he has to "win." Fucking grotesque.
  21. If we're gonna have religion in schools, that means we can post other religious shit on the wall too, right? Like the Seven Tenets of the Temple of Satan, or Anton Levey's 11 Satanic Rules? Also if we do school vouchers that fund religious schools with public money, I sure hope someone opens a Lucifer Charter School or something similar. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.
  22. Very nice of God to save that one Christian when like 5,000 other Christian families had their house burn down.
  23. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Trump wiped his ass with the Constitution (especially Article II, Section I and the 12th Amendment relating to the certification of electoral votes) and the people let him get away with it.
  24. Game checklist: Alcohol inventory status: GO BP meds taken early: CHECK Snacks prepositioned for deployment: CHECK
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