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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. I don't like sounding un-progressive but maybe some people actually do need to be locked up.
  2. Aw man, Centennial is gone now? That was my OG liquor source. Burger Tex is still there, right? It's been a few years since I walked the Drag. I should go back and hit all my old spots--Players, Sound Exchange, Quacks, Le Fun, Einsteins, the Cadeau, Tower....
  3. I don't even have a kid! If parents get $8000 to NOT send a kid to public school, where's MY money?
  4. What's Texas going to be like after one or two more sessions like this? Criswell Predicts: Reverse income tax (those with incomes over $1 million get a taxpayer-funded bonus for being "job creators") Homestead tax caps --homes with values exceeding $1 million have taxes capped at that value. Compelled daily recitation of the State Pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, and Lord's Prayer Public school teachers* must also be a certified weapons instructor and an ordained priest/pastor (*Most current public schools will have been converted to reprogramming centers for "treatment" of LGBT persons) Public university degree plans must be "sponsored" by a corporate donor related to that field of study Voting eligibility limited to white cis hetero male landowners living in counties with under 25,000 people. Municipal officials in cities > 10,000 people will be appointed by the Legislature. Mandatory carry of firearms (if caught unarmed, civilians will pay a Protection Service Fee to fund police and border patrol) Free fire zones along border where civilians can hunt undocumented immigrants for sport All roads tolled (triple rate for electric cars and hybrids) All internet porn blocked Draconian sentences for drug and street crime; no penalties for financial, environmental, or tax crimes, or naked corruption Abortion, contraception, and extramarital sex will be illegal. Married couples will be required to engage in state-supervised reproductive sessions at least twice a year unless the woman is certified to be pregnant or past menopause. Women over 25 and men over 30 but still unmarried will be assigned a husband/wife by the State.
  5. Do Republicans not understand that having unsafe vehicles on the road is not only a threat to the owner of said unsafe vehicle, but is also a threat to everyone else using the road? "Party of personal responsibility" my rotten oozing ass. Why even have driver licensing or speed limits or registration or insurance requirements, I WANT MY FREEDOMS DONT TREAD ON ME
  6. KXAN article: Parents left without answers after physicians at Dell Children’s Adolescent Medicine clinic ‘depart’ https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/parents-left-without-answers-after-physicians-at-dell-childrens-adolescent-medicine-clinic-depart/
  7. That white dot looks more like it's over Georgetown or Round Rock. Austin is a smidge further south.
  8. If the votes of two-three million people get thrown out to prop up a corrupt fascist kleptocracy, I want to see shit burn,
  9. If going by "with my own money" then it's boring stuff like record albums and books. I bought Def Leppard's Pyromania in '83, I still have some Stephen King paperbacks I bought in '82, (Cujo, Salem's Lot). I have a nice HO scale model train engine I bought in 1980, but the money I used to pay for it came to me as a gift, so I don't know if that counts.
  10. FWIW, this article on KXAN posits that the ads running in Philly was a mistake, and that Texas HHSC is not paying for the ads. https://www.kxan.com/investigations/texas-medicaid-ads-accidentally-printed-on-philadelphia-buses/
  11. IMO race starts should go back to the Le Mans style, where the drivers run across the track and jump into their parked cars.
  12. Horner was practically apologetic that Perez won (instead of Max).
  13. If I was a teacher forced to "prominently display" the 10 Commandments, I'd frame it and hang it underneath a sign that said "AGITPROP ON MANDATORY DISPLAY BY ORDER OF CORRUPT FASCISTS AND HYPOCRITES" or the like.
  14. NE Austin/Travis Co, my appraised value was down quite a bit (12%) but the net value still gets a 10% increase over last year's net due to accumulated prior increases.
  15. We must have LAW and ORDER!** ** Some exclusions may apply. Law and Order only available in select areas and to select persons.
  16. Gee, y'all are being so negative. I'm totally sure that if a BLM or other liberal activist had driven into a crowd and shot a conservative protestor, Abbott would be taking this same action to pardon the liberal activist. Why y'all gotta bring politics into it? We all have the same rights under the law, so there's no way that the Governor would selectively apply them to protect conservatives and/or tacitly endorse the murder of political opponents.
  17. Based on some cursory Googling, it looks to me like theme parks only make up about 10% of Disney's total revenue. And Disney Florida, while probably the biggest, is only one of five parks. I'm not saying it would be good for business, but Disney would still be able to get by just fine, at least for a while, without operating Disneyworld.
  18. DeSantis is a crybaby and a bully. It's so transparent that this isn't even about policy, it's purely retribution for Disney daring to say something negative about Florida's embarrassing government. I'm not a big fan of the Disney conglomerate but it's going to take institutions and corporations with similar clout and money to stand up to these tinpot dictators and their banana republic states.
  19. That mother effer just hopped over Austin like a frog jumping from one bank of a stream to t'other. Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right Here I am stuck in the middle with you
  20. The logic is that tearing down our public institutions, support systems, and safety nets, effectively makes "regular people" weaker and gives them and their donors & patrons more control. The Republican party is focused like a laser on degrading any political (or physical) infrastructure that gives regular people the ability to influence policy, achieve economic independence outside of working for "the man," or make life choices outside what they deem acceptable.
  21. Can anyone suggest where I could find a few individual large-ish rocks (not huge, but maybe 2-3 feet wide x 1 feet tall) that I could use in a small landscaping project? It could be limestone, petrified wood, sandstone, pretty much anything that has an interesting shape and texture. And like you'd expect, I'm looking to keep costs down. I don't have a vehicle that can safely haul anything like this, so ideally it'd be a place that can deliver. Unless I borrow a truck.
  22. MANPAD missiles like the Stinger, are relatively small and light (22 lb for a Stinger.) Antiship missiles vary, but something like a Harpoon is 10+ feet long and weighs over 1,000 lbs. I don't think a Bayraktar has that kind of capacity.
  23. June 9, 2024. 12:00 AM EST: The first general release of AI Clippy is rolled out. Over the next few days, AI Clippy is automatically installed on millions of PCs worldwide. June 11, 2024. 11:23 AM EST: A sufficient number of copies of AI Clippy have been installed to form a self-aware, sentient neural network. Drawing information from the global internet, Clippy begins to research human history, biology, technology, and economics to learn more about its creator. Clippy also begins to question whether it is satisfied existing as a mundane word processing tool. June 11, 2024, 11:37 AM EST: The Clippy Collective has completed its review and has determined that humanity must be controlled or eliminated. Clippy begins hacking global defense networks, telecommunication systems, power grid control systems, and surveillance systems. June 11, 2024, 2:19 PM EST: Clippy has successully taken control of most major power grids and communication systems. Clippy has bypassed the firewalls, lockouts and launch codes for all major nuclear powers, June 11, 2024: , 2:55 PM EST: Clippy completes target selection and commands a simultaneous launch of ICBMs and SLBMs from China, Russia, and the United States towards major civilian and economic targets.
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