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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. I'd often wander by the Dobie Nikki's just before closing time and they'd sell you a slice for like 25 cents I think? Basically giving it away. Did that ever become a large-ish chain? Years later I saw a Nikki's Pizza in Victoria Mall and I wondered if it was related, but I didn't ask.
  2. This was an abortion on the field. Can I get that $10k bounty money if I report it?
  3. Is the IRS ever going to actually enforce the requirement that tax-exempt organizations like churches can't engage in political activities?
  4. I was at Dobie from '89-92, my recollection is that a standard double room was in the $5-6 K range (total for fall + spring semesters, with a meal plan). My last year I got a nice single corner room for about $7 K. As a returning resident I probably got some discounts that reduced the cost a little. I really liked Dobie, with the mall right underneath (Power Play, Dobie Theater etc.) plus amenities like their janky pool tables.
  5. I've only had YTTV for a month, and generally I like it. When I still had my DirecTV service, I did a pretty careful A/B comparison of picture quality of live TV over satellite and over YTTV and I came to the conclusion that YTTV video tends to be a little more compressed, although it varies network to network and event to event. I also echo what others said above about not being able to delete something from your DVR library. Also, it does take me about 5-7 seconds to change channels or switch from one stream to another--that may be related to my own internet speed and/or hardware (Roku). But it's much cheaper than DirecTV so I'm still pretty satisfied.
  6. ABC did a shit job with replays in this game. I know it's not MNF, but there were lots of mystery penalties and questionable spots that were never shown in replay.
  7. Any reports of significant hail with this? I literally just had a roof replacement done.
  8. I'm not sure if YTTV is specifically to blame here, from what I'm reading it seems like NBC/Comcast wants to charge more. In any case, they need to work this shit out because this just involves too many channels that I watch, and I just subscribed to YTTV a few weeks ago and I'd hate to bail on it so soon. And I don't know of any other (low-cost) provider that has a comparable "DVR" feature and the range of channels that YTTV has.
  9. Roofing contractors. Next time, at least buy me dinner first before you fuck me & my roof.
  10. I've never seen anyone hold a baitcasting style rod/reel like that. It's sideways.
  11. A little while ago it darkened up over my house quite a bit, but nothing is coming out of the sky.
  12. Even if the Rice and Kansas losses were "worse" I still haven't felt this bad after a high-profile game since probably the Miami Cotton Bowl.
  13. Fucking Colorado. Way to shit the bed.
  14. I'm thinking about doing some cord-cutting and I haven't figured out how I'll deal with getting (or not) LHN. Is there any semi-reliable information or predictions of which games this season will only be shown on LHN? From an ESPN website, I see the Rice game is scheduled for LHN, but which others are most likely? I know a lot of the TV schedule (and kickoff times) won't be set until we get closer to each game, but is there a minimum number of games that we can expect to be on LHN this season? Thanks for any feedback.
  15. I'm trying to cut expenses and I just can't justify what I'm paying for DirecTV. I'm mainly looking at Youtube TV as my replacement, which does not currently offer the Longhorn Network. (I know some other streaming services do.) I guess my main question/complaint: why the fuck isn't the Longhorn Network available as a standalone subscription channel on something like the Roku platform, independently of whatever other shit I'm subscribed (or not) to? That would tremendously increase the availability and prospective revenue from subscribers. From a consumers' point of view, it seems crazy that my access to LHN is completely dictated by whether I'm a subscriber to some other cable or satellite provider. I know the "answer" is something along the lines of Big Telecom/ESPN/Disney/Spectrum/Whatever the fuck is trying to control access and leverage everything in their fucking favor, but I'm still going to complain about it.
  16. Give it to me straight, I'm a public employee that will probably retire soon on a modest five-figure pension. My plan for retirement was to buy a Frank Lloyd Wright-style house on a scenic beach, maybe in Carmel, Pebble Beach, or Oahu, but now I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to afford that. Should I instead be hoarding mass quantities of instant ramen and Alpo?
  17. Is there a shortage of low-end beer in glass bottles? In particular, my go-to trash beer is Bud Ice, and my nearest HEB and convenience stores are always out of stock of the 12 oz. bottles now. Edit: apparently there is a shortage of bottles. Jesus it's like the whole world is falling apart https://beernet.com/bottles-a-major-sticking-point-for-a-b-this-summer/
  18. I hear it's a seller's market for used cars right now. Put in a strong air freshener and get rid of it before the stank really sets in.
  19. I still don't understand what the driver was attempting to do. Was he intentionally trying to get inside COTA for some purpose, or were they just out fucking around and found out?
  20. I vaguely remember that a cobra escaped somewhere in far North Austin 5-10 years ago, causing some consternation until they found it dead on the road.
  21. What a shitshow. I'm half afraid your next update will be "repo man came and hauled off the car."
  22. My garage has about 75% of the floor area open for parking. (The rest is taken up with mowers, gardening shit, etc.) The builder called it a two-car garage but I call bullshit, it's only 18' wide so you could only get two cars in there if you have nothing else taking up floor space. There ought to be some kind of building code that requires something represented as a "two car garage" to be at least 20' wide.
  23. Are there even statutory or regulatory codes that give TABC the authority to consider or review a private businesses' internal rule about vaccines as a factor in whether or not an establishment can hold a liquor license? Most state agencies are terrified of taking any action that isn't explicitly authorized by statute--not just in terms of the general subject area for which they are authorized to regulate, but even in the scope of authority they have to request or consider additional information not directly related to the issuance or enforcement of permits, etc. It would be like the Railroad Commission denying a drilling permit because RRC found out the operator was catching redfish that didn't pass the size limit. Edit holy shit, from that article I should have read before posting: "To ensure Texas businesses follow that rule, “each appropriate state agency” — in Launderette and Fresa’s case, the TABC — “will ensure businesses in this state comply,” according to the bill. These agencies can “require compliance [...] as a condition for a license, permit, or other state authorization necessary for conducting business in this state.” " Looking forward to the state asking Exxon, Chevron, etc. about their vaccination policies for every permit and registration they apply for. After all, if you're checking up on the little mom and pop restaurants, it's only fair to ask the big guys, right?
  24. The whole metro area (Austin/Round Rock etc.) has a severe light dome. The farther away you can get, the better, but I'd say to even get anything close to dark-ish (relatively) skies you'd need to go east of Manor or north of Georgetown, west of Cedar Park, etc. Basically outside all the suburban areas. (If you are closer to the city, you'll probably still be able to see some brighter meteors directly overhead, but obviously darker is better.) On a light pollution map, the Granger Lake area doesn't look bad, you might be able to use one of the parks there (check the hours). I've never been there at night though. Edit: Lago Vista and points west might also be decent, especially if you are looking to the northern or western sky.
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