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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. My plan is beer, pizza and football.
  2. Watching this team is such a fucking slow beating
  3. You don't need MCAS, you just need pilots with balls of steel like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2CsO-Vu7oc
  4. The chart at this link shows deaths in the USA over the last several years. There is a definite seasonal trend; in the summertime it looks like the average weekly death rate is very roughly 51,000. In the winter it increases to very roughly 60,000. (That's looking at the pre-COVID years---you can clearly see that the numbers are worse after COVID.) https://public.tableau.com/views/COVID_excess_mort_withcauses_11042020/WeeklyExcessDeaths?:embed=y&:jsdebug=y&:toolbar=n&:tabs=n&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link
  5. Glad to hear you're doing better. Keep it going and don't get discouraged!
  6. I never thought Trump's Wall would actually get built, but there it is.
  7. As is often noted in game threads, we rarely see Herman confront the officials much during a game. After games like this, I hope the football program at least sends a tape and/or protest letter to the Big 12 office after each game, documenting the bad calls.
  8. They have a "Contact Us" section of their website that allows users to send in questions. I have some questions. http://woodfilllaw.com/contact-us/
  9. Couple of yellow-dog Democrats.
  10. With small scuffs, I've sometimes had luck working the area with a clay bar and lubricant. But nothing as big as the area you've got there.
  11. Just gonna point out that on this graph, the Y-axis baseline level of crazy is 4.
  12. Pic stolen from another board but it seems to fit tonight's quality of play:
  13. I lurk on some A/V forums and it seems to me that many or most new "smart" TVs require an inordinate amount of updates and fixes before they really work properly in all respects. I liked it better when consumer products were fully tested before release and didn't need constant updates and patches. I have a Panasonic plasma TV from 2005 that worked great out of the box (and still does, mostly) and I've never needed to update it or reboot it or reset it. TVs now are more like a whole damn multimedia computer.
  14. Well good, now I'm less concerned about my hypothetical scenario. But to be clear, I'm not concerned about people sending in fraudulent or forged ballots. I'm talking about a third party generating fraudulent applications based on whatever personal information they can find, which then results in legitimate voter(s) being put on the list of people who were sent mail-in-ballots. The legitimate voter should know that something is up when they get an unsolicited ballot in the mail, but they may not know that they have to bring it with them when they vote, and/or deal with the process of voiding it. That may be enough of an inconvenience or delay to make some voters just say to heck with it. As to the who and the why, I'm not going too far out on a limb to suggest that some people would like to disrupt this election as much as possible. Even more so if they could find enough information to create a targeted disruption or inconvenience for certain demographics who tend to support a particular political group or policy. I'm not claiming any of this has happened or will happen, but I'm just wondering if it's a possible vector for mischief. Edit: as far as the signature on the form, does the election office actually verify the signatures against whatever they have on file?
  15. I don't know what's involved in requesting a mail-in-ballot--hopefully there is something in place to protect against large-scale, fraudulent requests intended to disrupt the election. Imagine if 100,000 people go to the polls on election day and are shown on the rolls (incorrectly) as having requested mail-in ballots. Even if they can do the required paperwork to vote in person, it would still gum up the works.
  16. Voted about 10 AM this morning at the Manor ISD Admin building. Basically no line (2 people in front of me). Straight DEM except for Madeleine Connor (left that one blank). She's unopposed anyway. It's funny, when our voting was completely electronic I was never too paranoid about my vote being counted...but now that we have a paper ballot, I have all kinds of anxiety about it getting jammed in the machine, or otherwise not being scanned properly...
  17. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the places not getting the ballots are the blue(ish) areas.
  18. After 2016 I'm not sure what to expect. Given the way everything else has gone in 2020, I expect it to be agonizingly close.
  19. Seems like a lot of trouble to go to for 109 votes.
  20. Based on my neighborhood, you'd never know families are getting smaller. 20 years ago, each house had one or two cars in the garage, and maybe a car in the driveway. Now it's typical for a house to have 3-4 cars in the driveway and 2 more cars parked on the street in front. And probably a boat or trailer somewhere for good measure. These were supposed to be "starter homes" for young couples and singles.
  21. I used to be a little sad that I couldn't afford a BMW (at least, the hot models) but the styling on their recent models is curing me of that. Same with Lexus, christ the front grills on those are an abomination.
  22. How do longer lines "improve security"? This justification is not even paper-thin.
  23. If people don't listen to ideas and policies when deciding who to vote for, our system of government is doomed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWdfRRtAs3o
  24. The only thing I've hit was a cat, at night, about 30 years ago. I was driving at highway speed and it jumped right in front of my car out of nowhere. Made a "gong" sound on the chrome steel bumper of my 1970s Buick.
  25. Thanks! I'd love to see that scanned in an even higher resolution so I could read some of the finer details.
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