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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. I have too much of my life savings tied up in the market, and I reached the limit of my downside risk tolerance the morning of March 16. Sold off a bunch of stuff at the worst possible time. Lost enough market value to have bought my house again. Edit: On the "plus" side I'll have enough capital losses to roll over probably for the rest of my life...
  2. The level of automation and electronics the new models use is crazy. I want knobs to manually control water level, temperature, spin speeds, etc. I'm still using an old top-loading Kenmore from 2002 that was under $400 new. I hope it never dies.
  3. Seems like my hood was poised to get a big heavy cell moving up from the SW, but suddenly the edge of the heavy rain is retreating. Front pushing it back south, or dry air fucking it up?
  4. It's hard to compare numbers without a common timeframe, but I''m coming in at 100k through the end of July. My record on prognostication includes boldly predicting that Katrina was all media hype and would turn out to be a minor event.
  5. I was honestly expecting more questions about income level, level of education, what sector I work in, how many cars do I own, do I jerk it left or right-handed, etc. I was almost disappointed in a way.
  6. About 9 days ago, I used HEB delivery and was able to schedule a delivery for the following day with no problems. I guess things have deteriorated because I just put in another order and this time the earliest available delivery slot is 8 days out. I have a food order in with Amazon which was promised for delivery tomorrow, but still isn't showing as shipped yet. What's the going rate for shitty canned food on ebay?
  7. Let's hope the oak pollen will bind with the COVID-19 and neutralize it. Or maybe act like a barrier to infection by coating our nasal passages and interior lung surfaces...
  8. I can't help you with the floorplan but I can tell you that house is haunted as fuck. See how those photos came out all wavy and warped? Evil spirits bending the light waves. Also the kitchen looks like a place where Jeffrey Dahmer would hang out.
  9. Tell them you aren't consenting to shit. If you want to cut my pay, just do it. Don't ask me to "consent" to you fucking me over. Edit: maybe this has to do with a contract of some type, but still. What a dick move. I'm not a lawyer but I doubt they have any legal right to know how much compensation, if any, you receive.
  10. I'm also half surprised that the chloroquine thing hasn't caused a run on good 'ol quinine tonic water, from people who don't chemistry good
  11. I didn't even want liquor until the moment I found out I can't get any
  12. Not sure about this shelter in place stuff. What if I just want to go for a pleasure drive to get out of the house? As long as I don't get out of my car, I'm not going to infect anybody (or get infected).
  13. With TP, if worst comes to worst, we can just rip pages out of old magazines or phonebooks
  14. You win this game by tricking your opponent into leaning out of the window a little too far...
  15. Won't help that the Stones postponed their tour, including the Austin show at COTA.
  16. Someone with a lot more energy and talent than me should do a Covid-19 version of that "angry Hitler" meme video from the movie Downfall.
  17. but I thought after the last crash, the government instituted reforms and controls to ensure that banks and investment houses manage their assets responsibly and don't get overextended (trying to keep a straight face)
  18. I went to a N. Austin Chili's for lunch today (hey, I had a gift card to burn) and it was not nearly as busy as it usually is. I bet the lunch line tomorrow at Chipotle gonna be short.
  19. Went to lunch today (indian buffet) and a lady customer there was just sneezing and coughing up a storm. How long do I have?
  20. Bring back the greatest football commentator of all time, Dennis Miller
  21. Everyone does shitty work and/or is incompetent.Today's example: eating lunch at a restaurant I regularly frequent but a different person is working the register. I give them my credit card, they put it in the card reader. It goes "beep" but the guy looks confused and irritated at whatever is on the LCD screen (won't show it to me). Runs my card a second time, same result--i can't see what is on the screen but he says it was declined. (At no point did I sign anything or "approve" the purchase.) After the second attempt with the card I say fuck it and pay in cash. I come home and see that my card was billed twice. Now I have to get the place to cancel the pending charges or dispute it with my CC company.
  22. Sometimes I feel like Austin (hell, Central Texas) just needs to declare a Transportation Emergency and appoint (or elect) a Transportation Fascist. That position would have absolute authority to bypass all the usual red tape (public input, environmental impact, contractor bidding, property disputes, etc.) that make transportation projects drag on for decades. Also, we need more efficient ways of dealing with accidents and disabled vehicles. Rapid-response crews with bulldozers or heavy-lift helicopters that can move wrecks and disabled vehicles out of the way in minutes, not hours. And let's get big, slow-ass construction vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles off city roads during peak commuting times. Finally, I don't want to see any fuckin' orange cones or barrels in a travel lane unless there is actually work happening there. How many times do you see a lane that's closed for a mile and absolutely nothing is going on, and the surface is still completely drivable?
  23. A desire to get back at people or institutions (or just society) who they think have fucked them over. And if the person is sufficiently fucked up, they can rationalize it to the extent that the specific individuals being targeted don't matter-- everyone is in on it or part of it, so everyone gets a bullet. Also, why just go out quietly when you can at least make a big headline? Like the line from the Squidbillies intro song..."I'll take all you sumbitches when I go."
  24. Based on my parking lot at work, you need at least an F150 or Tahoe for this kind of duty.
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