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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. A NASCAR winter series in snow country would be great (or F1 or Indycar for that matter) ...
  2. Unfortunately, I can't do anything like that kind of volume. I could do 5 boxes of the peanut butter patties, plus 3 boxes of thin mints. But I'm in NE Austin pretty far from everything. I'll PM you with my address and you can let me know if it's worth your time and gas to deliver...
  3. How about the "Peanut Butter Patties" variety? (Not the "Sandwich" kind, but the chocolate-covered peanut butter ones.) Those are like crack I can eat.
  4. Take NASCAR back to homologation racing: showroom-stock vehicles with no modifications (or minimal modifications for safety, such as extra bracing for roll protection, fire protection systems, etc.). Can't race a car that isn't available for public sale.
  5. Paper_jam

    G'Day Holden

    I really liked my 2004 GTO. At the time, they were letting them go cheap because the US market didn't accept the car as a "real" Pontiac GTO. But it was a damn nice car, especially compared to the other stuff coming out of GM at the time.
  6. Reclining only provides a modest improvement in comfort for the person reclining, but it produces a substantial amount of distress for the person in the seat behind, so the net effect when someone reclines is a decrease in overall utility. Put another way, if the total discomfort level of all the passengers could be quantified, the cumulative collective discomfort would be minimized if there is no reclining.
  7. Seeing the same kind of thing in Austin, at least in my area. Some shitstain hit-and-runned me in a parking lot on Sunday. Seems like in the last year, we've reached some kind of critical threshold where basic rules of the road don't apply anymore. I predict a market for Mad Max-style car modifications in the near future.
  8. People doomed to live out the rest of their natural lives on a cursed plague ship. New Pirates of the Caribbean movie?
  9. A Stones concert at a racetrack? I wonder how that's worked out before...
  10. Yesterday Musk tweeted "Giga Texas" and apparently he changed his Twitter location to Austin. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/speculation-flies-after-tech-entrepreneur-elon-musk-changes-twitter-bio-location-to-austin/ Does this mean anything?
  11. If everyone just keeps drinking Sterno we'll all be fine.
  12. We were all doomed when Radio Shack started asking for our name & address when you were just buying a pack of batteries. I liked it when a "rewards program" was a a little paper card a place would give you and stamp it or punch it every time you ate lunch there until you qualify for a freebie. Not some app or internet account that's a backdoor way to harvest your personal info and monetize it.
  13. I love it when Dale throws an extended on-air tantrum about some trivial thing his co-hosts do, that would have otherwise passed unnoticed by anyone listening to the show.
  14. At a major brand name gas station I frequently use, I was going to fill up and I noticed the tape seals on the cover panel were broken and the cover panel looked really loose. I went inside and told a cashier and they literally could not have cared less. I didn't even get a "we'll look at it" response, just a shrug.
  15. What a damned fool. Homeland Security gonna waterboard him.
  16. In Star Trek V, The Really Bad One, there's a scene where Kirk falls off the cliff face of El Capitan and Spock swoops in with rocket boots to save him. The bluescreen shot of Kirk falling looks like something out of Batman 1966.
  17. I'd like to take just a moment to complain about one of the thousands of annoying things about driving in Austin: if you are on westbound Braker Ln and want to go south on Mopac, you make your left turn where Braker crosses Mopac, and then drive south on the feeder road, expecting to find a ramp that will let you get on Mopac, which is literally just a few feet to the left of you. But you keep driving, and there's no onramp. You keep driving, and there's still no onramp. You come to a traffic light for 360, which you have to wait through. Then, just up ahead, finally the ramp you've been waiting for! Instinctively, you take it, and realize a second too late that Aw fuck, this ramp goes to 183S, not Mopac. Yeah, admittedly there is a sign that says 183 for that ramp, but it still seems very strange to me that it wasn't designed to have the Mopac ramp first and the 183 ramp further down the road.
  18. Is the XFL doing anything creative with offensive (or defensive) formations? I feel like the NFL has too many rules governing how you position players, how many must be on the line of scrimmage, who is/isn't an eligible receiver, etc. Why can't (for example) you just have a center, a QB, and 10 guys going deep? Or a V-shaped phalanx formation to make a blocking wedge for your runningback, or... whatever insane formation a coach can dream up? (Subject to the 11-man limit, and a rule that you can't be offsides before the snap.)
  19. I'd support a program to pay people living in Austin to move away.
  20. Trivial road design issue that makes me surly: why doesn't the far north end of Lamar extend that last little bit to Howard Lane? There's a southbound connector from Howard/I35 to Lamar, but If you want to take Lamar **northbound** to Howard it forces you to turn back on the southbound 35 service road. *Unless you can cut through that school campus off the left, which is still not ideal
  21. I thought Marketing execs dreamed up marketing strategies. Which a $20/hr guy could also do, but he doesn't have an MBA or Marketing degree. I don't know shit about Marketing but I've always liked this Bill Hicks routine:
  22. I think this effect is slowly but steadily killing performance cars. Unless you have access to a track ($$$), or live someplace very rural, it's really difficult to drive with any degree of "sportiness" -- there's so much traffic congestion (and law enforcement) that you can't really do anything "fun" anymore on public streets.
  23. Dumb question about residential mortgages: lets say someone with a strong credit history (800+), a solid employment history (25 years+), and no debt is planning retirement fairly soon. However, they're also interested in upgrading to a nicer home, just about at the time when their annual income will be dropping substantially (due to said retirement). This person has investment assets which could be collateral against a mortgage, but they are not really interested in liquidating a lot of those assets in the short term (i.e.. for a down payment). TL: DR If your income is on the low side, can you still qualify for a good-size mortgage on the basis of your prior credit history and the value of other assets? Or would banks run away screaming because there's not enough traditional income to support the mortgage?
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